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All Outputs (12)

Does the Patterned View Avoid the Ideal Worlds Objection? (2024)
Journal Article
Rumbold, B. (2024). Does the Patterned View Avoid the Ideal Worlds Objection?. Utilitas, 36(2), 130-147.

Can we formulate a moral theory that captures the moral significance of patterns of group behaviour we cannot affect through our own action while at the same time avoiding the so-called ‘Ideal Worlds’ objection? In a recent article, Caleb Perl has ar... Read More about Does the Patterned View Avoid the Ideal Worlds Objection?.

Re-asserting the Specialness of Health Care (2021)
Journal Article
Rumbold, B. (2021). Re-asserting the Specialness of Health Care. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 46(3), 272-296.

Is health care “special”? That is, do we have moral reason to treat health care differently from how we treat other sorts of social goods? Intuitively, perhaps, we might think the proper response is “yes.” However, to date, philosophers have often st... Read More about Re-asserting the Specialness of Health Care.

Spinoza’s Analysis of his Imagined Readers’ Axiology (2020)
Journal Article
Rumbold, B. (2021). Spinoza’s Analysis of his Imagined Readers’ Axiology. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 103(2), 281-312.

Before presenting his own account of value in the Ethics, Spinoza spends much of EIAppendix and EIVPreface attempting to refute a series of axiological ‘prejudices’ that he takes to have taken root in the minds of his readership. In doing so, Spinoza... Read More about Spinoza’s Analysis of his Imagined Readers’ Axiology.

Affordability and Non-Perfectionism in Moral Action (2019)
Journal Article
Rumbold, B., Charlton, V., Rid, A., Mitchell, P., Wilson, J., Littlejohns, P., Max, C., & Weale, A. (2019). Affordability and Non-Perfectionism in Moral Action. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 22(4), 973–991.

One rationale policy-makers sometimes give for declining to fund a service or intervention is on the grounds that it would be ‘unaffordable’, which is to say, that the total cost of providing the service or intervention for all eligible recipients wo... Read More about Affordability and Non-Perfectionism in Moral Action.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, social values and healthcare priority setting (2019)
Journal Article
Littlejohns, P., Chalkidou, K., Culyer, A. J., Weale, A., Rid, A., Kieslich, K., Coultas, C., Max, C., Manthorpe, J., Rumbold, B., Charlton, V., Roberts, H., Faden, R., Wilson, J., Krubiner, C., Mitchell, P., Whitty, J. A., Wester, G., & Knight, S. (2019). National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, social values and healthcare priority setting. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 112(5), 173-179.

Tying oneself to the mast: One necessary cost to morally enhancing oneself biomedically (2017)
Journal Article
Rumbold, B. (2017). Tying oneself to the mast: One necessary cost to morally enhancing oneself biomedically. Bioethics, 31(7), 543-551.

In this article I seek to establish what, if anything, might be morally troubling about morally enhancing oneself through biomedical means. Building on arguments by Harris, while simultaneously acknowledging several valid counter-arguments that have... Read More about Tying oneself to the mast: One necessary cost to morally enhancing oneself biomedically.

Spinoza’s genealogical critique of his contemporaries’ axiology (2017)
Journal Article
Rumbold, B. (2017). Spinoza’s genealogical critique of his contemporaries’ axiology. Intellectual History Review, 27(4), 543-560.

Among Spinoza’s principal projects in the Ethics is his effort to “remove” certain metaethical prejudices from the minds of his readers, to “expose” them, as he has similar misconceptions about other matters, by submitting them to the “scrutiny of re... Read More about Spinoza’s genealogical critique of his contemporaries’ axiology.

On Engster's care-justification of the specialness thesis about healthcare (2016)
Journal Article
Rumbold, B. (2017). On Engster's care-justification of the specialness thesis about healthcare. Journal of Medical Ethics, 43(8), 501-505.

To say health is 'special' is to say that it has a moral significance that differentiates it from other goods (cars, say or radios) and, as a matter of justice, warrants distributing it separately. In this essay, I critique a new justification for th... Read More about On Engster's care-justification of the specialness thesis about healthcare.

Review article: the moral right to health: a survey of available conceptions (2015)
Journal Article
Rumbold, B. (2015). Review article: the moral right to health: a survey of available conceptions. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 20(4), 508-528.

In recent years, there has been increasing recognition of both the philosophical questions engendered by the idea of a human right to health and the potential of philosophical analysis to help in the formulation of better policy. In this article, I a... Read More about Review article: the moral right to health: a survey of available conceptions.