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All Outputs (17)

Human rights and the cost-of-living crisis (2023)
Journal Article
Nolan, A. (2023). Human rights and the cost-of-living crisis. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 41(1), 3-12.

This column explores the intersection between human rights and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. It opens with an overview of the crisis before turning to the current global state of affairs’ impact on human rights enjoyment. Having addressed key is... Read More about Human rights and the cost-of-living crisis.

‘Turning the Rights Lens Inwards’: The Case for Child Rights-Consistent Strategic Litigation Practice (2022)
Journal Article
Nolan, A., & Skelton, A. (2022). ‘Turning the Rights Lens Inwards’: The Case for Child Rights-Consistent Strategic Litigation Practice. Human Rights Law Review, 22(4), Article ngac026.

The last three decades have seen an explosion of academic, advocacy and policy-maker interest in both the theory and the practice of children's rights. There is a growing global body of strategic litigation focused on the advancement of those rights... Read More about ‘Turning the Rights Lens Inwards’: The Case for Child Rights-Consistent Strategic Litigation Practice.

Advancing Child Rights-Consistent Strategic Litigation Practice (2022)
Nolan, A., Skelton, A., & Ozah, K. (2022). Advancing Child Rights-Consistent Strategic Litigation Practice. London: Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation project

This report approaches child rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of Child as a framework to inform and assess the inputs, outputs, processes and outcomes of child rights strategic litigation (CRSL), in line with the view that children’s righ... Read More about Advancing Child Rights-Consistent Strategic Litigation Practice.

Children's Rights (2022)
Book Chapter
Nolan, A. (2022). Children's Rights. In D. Moeckli, S. Shah, S. Sivakumaran, & D. Harris (Eds.), International Human Rights Law (339-358). (Fourth Edition). Oxford University Press (OUP)

The last 30 years have seen the emergence of children as a discrete—and increasing—focus of international human rights law attention. Centring on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the work of its treaty-monitoring body, the UN Commi... Read More about Children's Rights.

Human rights and economic policy reforms (2020)
Journal Article
Nolan, A., & Bohoslavsky, J. P. (2020). Human rights and economic policy reforms. International Journal of Human Rights, 24(9), 1247-1267.

This article focuses on the vexed relationship between human rights and economic policy reform. It opens with an exploration of the reasons for the historic and contemporary nonalignment and disconnect between these areas. It then turns to an overvie... Read More about Human rights and economic policy reforms.

Poverty and Children’s Rights (2020)
Book Chapter
Nolan, A. (2020). Poverty and Children’s Rights. In J. Todres, & S. M. King (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Children's Rights Law (404-425). Oxford: Oxford University Press (OUP).

This chapter addresses the ever-deepening relationship between child poverty and child rights. In doing so, it takes as its central focus the best known and most important child rights instrument, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). T... Read More about Poverty and Children’s Rights.

Children's Economic and Social Rights and Child Poverty: The State of Play (2020)
Journal Article
Nolan, A., & Pells, K. (2020). Children's Economic and Social Rights and Child Poverty: The State of Play. International Journal of Children's Rights, 28(1), 111-132.

The article begins by outlining the state of the existing theoretical child rights literature on ESR, before going on to consider the growing body of CRS focused on specific ESR-thematic areas. The authors make clear the historic dominance of law in... Read More about Children's Economic and Social Rights and Child Poverty: The State of Play.

Children's economic and social rights (2018)
Book Chapter
Nolan, A. (2019). Children's economic and social rights. In U. Kilkelly, & T. Liefaard (Eds.), International Human Rights of Children (239-258). Springer Singapore.

Recent years have seen a growing understanding of the relationship between poverty and human rights, an explosion in awareness of the status of children as right-holders, and increasing linkages being made between human rights and child poverty in th... Read More about Children's economic and social rights.

Privatization and economic and social rights (2018)
Journal Article
Nolan, A. (2018). Privatization and economic and social rights. Human Rights Quarterly, 40(4), 815-858.

Privatization is an ever more dominant model of economic and social rights (ESR) realization. Contracting out, public-private partnerships, and other approaches by which the private sector takes responsibility for, or supports the state in, deliverin... Read More about Privatization and economic and social rights.

Human Rights and Public Finance: Budgets and the Promotion of Economic and Social Rights (2014)
O'Connell, R., Harvey, C., & Nolan, A. (Eds.). (2014). Human Rights and Public Finance: Budgets and the Promotion of Economic and Social Rights. Hart Publishing

This edited collection addresses some of the most important challenges in contemporary human rights law and practice. Its central theme is the linkage between public finance, particularly budget decisions, and the realisation (or not) of economic and... Read More about Human Rights and Public Finance: Budgets and the Promotion of Economic and Social Rights.

'Do no harm'? Exploring the scope of economic and social rights in transitional justice (2014)
Journal Article
Schmid, E., & Nolan, A. (2014). 'Do no harm'? Exploring the scope of economic and social rights in transitional justice. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 8(3),

Increasing numbers of academics and practitioners are employing the language of economic and social rights (ESR) when conceptualizing the aims, scope and implementation mechanisms of transitional justice. Their contributions have added to an evolving... Read More about 'Do no harm'? Exploring the scope of economic and social rights in transitional justice.

Holding non-state actors to account for constitutional economic and social rights violations: experiences and lessons from South Africa and Ireland (2014)
Journal Article
Nolan, A. (in press). Holding non-state actors to account for constitutional economic and social rights violations: experiences and lessons from South Africa and Ireland. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 12(1),

The horizontal application of human rights to non-state actors (NSA) is an evolving and contested legal area both comparatively and at the international level. In light of this, the article discusses mechanisms by which NSA who violate constitutional... Read More about Holding non-state actors to account for constitutional economic and social rights violations: experiences and lessons from South Africa and Ireland.

Applying an International Human Rights Framework to State Budget Allocations: Rights and Resources (2014)
O'Connell, R., Nolan, A., Harvey, C., Dutschke, M., & Rooney, E. Applying an International Human Rights Framework to State Budget Allocations: Rights and Resources. Routledge.

Human rights based budget analysis projects have emerged at a time when the United Nations has asserted the indivisibility of all human rights and attention is increasingly focused on the role of non-judicial bodies in promoting and protecting human... Read More about Applying an International Human Rights Framework to State Budget Allocations: Rights and Resources.