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Trajectories of quality of life, health status and personal wellbeing up to two years after curative intent treatment for colorectal cancer: results from the UK ColoREctal Wellbeing (CREW) cohort study

Foster, Claire; Haviland, Joanne; Winter, Jane; Grimmett, Chloe; Chivers Seymour, Kim; Batehup, Lynn; Calman, Lynn; Corner, Jessica; Din, Amy; Fenlon, Deborah; May, Christine M.; Smith, Peter W.; Richardson, Alison

Trajectories of quality of life, health status and personal wellbeing up to two years after curative intent treatment for colorectal cancer: results from the UK ColoREctal Wellbeing (CREW) cohort study Thumbnail


Claire Foster

Joanne Haviland

Jane Winter

Chloe Grimmett

Kim Chivers Seymour

Lynn Batehup

Lynn Calman

Jessica Corner

Amy Din

Deborah Fenlon

Christine M. May

Peter W. Smith

Alison Richardson


Foster, C., Haviland, J., Winter, J., Grimmett, C., Chivers Seymour, K., Batehup, L., Calman, L., Corner, J., Din, A., Fenlon, D., May, C. M., Smith, P. W., & Richardson, A. Trajectories of quality of life, health status and personal wellbeing up to two years after curative intent treatment for colorectal cancer: results from the UK ColoREctal Wellbeing (CREW) cohort study. Presented at The British Psychosocial Oncology Society 2016 Conference

Conference Name The British Psychosocial Oncology Society 2016 Conference
End Date Mar 4, 2016
Deposit Date Mar 15, 2016
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
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