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MtLAX2, a functional homologue of the Arabidopsis auxin influx transporter AUX1, is required for nodule organogenesis

Roy, Sonali; Robson, Fran; Lilley, Jodi; Liu, Cheng-Wu; Cheng, Xiaofei; Wen, Jiangqi; Walker, Simon; Sun, Jongho; Cousins, Donna; Bone, Caitlin; Bennett, Malcolm J.; Downie, J. Allan; Swarup, Ranjan; Oldroyd, Giles; Murray, Jeremy D.

MtLAX2, a functional homologue of the Arabidopsis auxin influx transporter AUX1, is required for nodule organogenesis Thumbnail


Sonali Roy

Fran Robson

Jodi Lilley

Cheng-Wu Liu

Xiaofei Cheng

Jiangqi Wen

Simon Walker

Jongho Sun

Donna Cousins

Caitlin Bone

J. Allan Downie

Giles Oldroyd

Jeremy D. Murray


Most legume plants can form nodules, specialized lateral organs that form on roots, and house nitrogen-fixing bacteria collectively called rhizobia. The uptake of the phytohormone auxin into cells is known to be crucial for development of lateral roots. To test the role of auxin influx in nodulation we used the auxin influx inhibitors 1-naphthoxyacetic acid (1-NOA) and 2-NOA, which we found reduced nodulation of Medicago truncatula. This suggested the possible involvement of the AUX/LAX family of auxin influx transporters in nodulation. Gene expression studies identified MtLAX2, a paralogue of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) AUX1, as being induced at early stages of nodule development. MtLAX2 is expressed in nodule primordia, the vasculature of developing nodules, and at the apex of mature nodules. The MtLAX2 promoter contains several auxin response elements, and treatment with indole-acetic acid strongly induces MtLAX2 expression in roots. mtlax2 mutants displayed root phenotypes similar to Arabidopsis aux1 mutants, including altered root gravitropism, fewer lateral roots, shorter root hairs, and auxin resistance. In addition, the activity of the synthetic DR5-GUS auxin reporter was strongly reduced in mtlax2 roots. Following inoculation with rhizobia, mtlax2 roots developed fewer nodules, had decreased DR5-GUS activity associated with infection sites, and had decreased expression of the early auxin responsive gene ARF16a. Our data indicate that MtLAX2 is a functional analog of Arabidopsis AUX1 and is required for the accumulation of auxin during nodule formation in tissues underlying sites of rhizobial infection.


Roy, S., Robson, F., Lilley, J., Liu, C.-W., Cheng, X., Wen, J., Walker, S., Sun, J., Cousins, D., Bone, C., Bennett, M. J., Downie, J. A., Swarup, R., Oldroyd, G., & Murray, J. D. (2017). MtLAX2, a functional homologue of the Arabidopsis auxin influx transporter AUX1, is required for nodule organogenesis. Plant Physiology, 174(1), 326-338.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 25, 2017
Online Publication Date Mar 31, 2017
Publication Date May 1, 2017
Deposit Date May 17, 2017
Publicly Available Date May 17, 2017
Journal Plant Physiology
Print ISSN 0032-0889
Electronic ISSN 1532-2548
Publisher American Society of Plant Biologists
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 174
Issue 1
Pages 326-338
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date May 17, 2017


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