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HER2 challenge contest: a detailed assessment of automated HER2 scoring algorithms in whole slide images of breast cancer tissues

Qaiser, Talha; Mukherjee, Abhik; Reddy Pb, Chaitanya; Munugoti, Sai Dileep; Tallam, Vamsi; Pitk�aho, Tomi; Lehtim�ki, Taina; Naughton, Thomas; Berseth, Matt; Pedraza, An�bal; Mukundan, Ramakrishnan; Smith, Matthew; Bhalerao, Abhir; Rodner, Erik; Simon, Marcel; Denzler, Joachim; Huang, Chao-Hui; Bueno, Gloria; Snead, David; Ellis, Ian O; Ilyas, Mohammad; Rajpoot, Nasir

HER2 challenge contest: a detailed assessment of automated HER2 scoring algorithms in whole slide images of breast cancer tissues Thumbnail


Talha Qaiser

Chaitanya Reddy Pb

Sai Dileep Munugoti

Vamsi Tallam

Tomi Pitk�aho

Taina Lehtim�ki

Thomas Naughton

Matt Berseth

An�bal Pedraza

Ramakrishnan Mukundan

Matthew Smith

Abhir Bhalerao

Erik Rodner

Marcel Simon

Joachim Denzler

Chao-Hui Huang

Gloria Bueno

David Snead

Ian O Ellis

Nasir Rajpoot



Evaluating expression of the Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (Her2) by visual examination of immunohistochemistry (IHC) on invasive breast cancer (BCa) is a key part of the diagnostic assessment of BCa due to its recognised importance as a predictive and prognostic marker in clinical practice. However, visual scoring of Her2 is subjective and consequently prone to inter-observer variability. Given the prognostic and therapeutic implications of Her2 scoring, a more objective method is required. In this paper, we report on a recent automated Her2 scoring contest, held in conjunction with the annual PathSoc meeting held in Nottingham in June 2016, aimed at systematically comparing and advancing the state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) based automated methods for Her2 scoring.
Methods and Results

The contest dataset comprised of digitised whole slide images (WSI) of sections from 86 cases of invasive breast carcinoma stained with both Haematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) and IHC for Her2. The contesting algorithms automatically predicted scores of the IHC slides for an unseen subset of the dataset and the predicted scores were compared with the “ground truth” (a consensus score from at least two experts). We also report on a simple Man vs Machine contest for the scoring of Her2 and show that the automated methods could beat the pathology experts on this contest dataset.

This paper presents a benchmark for comparing the performance of automated algorithms for scoring of Her2. It also demonstrates the enormous potential of automated algorithms in assisting the pathologist with objective IHC scoring.


Qaiser, T., Mukherjee, A., Reddy Pb, C., Munugoti, S. D., Tallam, V., Pitkäaho, T., Lehtimäki, T., Naughton, T., Berseth, M., Pedraza, A., Mukundan, R., Smith, M., Bhalerao, A., Rodner, E., Simon, M., Denzler, J., Huang, C.-H., Bueno, G., Snead, D., Ellis, I. O., …Rajpoot, N. (2018). HER2 challenge contest: a detailed assessment of automated HER2 scoring algorithms in whole slide images of breast cancer tissues. Histopathology, 72(2), 227-238.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 30, 2017
Online Publication Date Aug 3, 2017
Publication Date Jan 1, 2018
Deposit Date Sep 15, 2017
Publicly Available Date Sep 15, 2017
Journal Histopathology
Print ISSN 0309-0167
Electronic ISSN 1365-2559
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 72
Issue 2
Pages 227-238
Keywords Digital Pathology; Automated Her2 Scoring; Biomarker Quantification; Quantitative Immunohistochemistry; Breast Cancer
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Qaiser, T., Mukherjee, A., Reddy Pb, C., Munugoti, S. D., Tallam, V., Pitkäaho, T., Lehtimäki, T., Naughton, T., Berseth, M., Pedraza, A., Mukundan, R., Smith, M., Bhalerao, A., Rodner, E., Simon, M., Denzler, J., Huang, C.-H., Bueno, G., Snead, D., Ellis, I. O., Ilyas, M. and Rajpoot, N. (), Her2 Challenge Contest: A Detailed Assessment of Automated Her2 Scoring Algorithms in Whole Slide Images of Breast Cancer Tissues. Histopathology. Accepted Author Manuscript, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
Contract Date Sep 15, 2017


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