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Development of the Social Participation Restrictions Questionnaire (SPaRQ) through consultation with adults with hearing loss, researchers, and clinicians: a content evaluation study

Heffernan, Eithne; Coulson, Neil S.; Ferguson, Melanie

Development of the Social Participation Restrictions Questionnaire (SPaRQ) through consultation with adults with hearing loss, researchers, and clinicians: a content evaluation study Thumbnail


Eithne Heffernan

Melanie Ferguson


Objective - This research aimed to evaluate the content of the Social Participation Restrictions Questionnaire (SPaRQ) in terms of its relevance, clarity, comprehensiveness, acceptability to adults with hearing loss, and responsiveness.

Design - Cognitive interviews and a subject matter expert survey were conducted. The interview data were analysed using thematic analysis and a taxonomy of questionnaire clarity problems. Descriptive statistics were calculated for the survey data.

Study sample - Fourteen adults with hearing loss participated in the cognitive interviews. Twenty clinicians and academics completed the subject matter expert survey.

Results - The majority of the SPaRQ content was found to be relevant, clear, comprehensive, and acceptable. However, an important clarity problem was identified: many adults with hearing loss struggled to switch from answering positively-worded items (e.g. ‘I can attend social gatherings’) to answering negatively-worded items (e.g. ‘I feel isolated’). Several subject matter experts found responsiveness difficult to assess. The SPaRQ was amended where necessary.

Conclusions - Few hearing-specific questionnaires have undergone content evaluation. This study highlights the value of content evaluation as a means of identifying important flaws and improving the quality of a measure. The next stage of this research is a psychometric evaluation of the measure.


Heffernan, E., Coulson, N. S., & Ferguson, M. (in press). Development of the Social Participation Restrictions Questionnaire (SPaRQ) through consultation with adults with hearing loss, researchers, and clinicians: a content evaluation study. International Journal of Audiology,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 21, 2018
Online Publication Date Jul 2, 2018
Deposit Date Jul 11, 2018
Publicly Available Date Jul 3, 2019
Journal International Journal of Audiology
Print ISSN 1499-2027
Electronic ISSN 1708-8186
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Hearing loss; Audiology; Outcome measurement; Questionnaire; Qualitative research; Cognitive interviews; Social participation; Participation restrictions
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Audiology on 02/07/2018, available online:
Contract Date Jul 11, 2018


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