Felipe C. Geyer
Recurrent hotspot mutations in HRAS Q61 and PI3K-AKT pathway genes as drivers of breast adenomyoepitheliomas
Geyer, Felipe C.; Li, Anqi; Papanastasiou, Anastasios D.; Smith, Alison; Selenica, Pier; Burke, Kathleen A.; Edelweiss, Marcia; Wen, Huei-Chi; Piscuoglio, Salvatore; Schultheis, Anne M.; Martelotto, Luciano G.; Pareja, Fresia; Brandes, Alissa; Lozada, John; Macedo, Gabriel S.; de Filippo, Maria R.; Jungbluth, Achim A.; Foschini, Maria Pia; Wen, Hannah Y.; Brogi, Edi; Palazzo, Juan; Rubin, Brian P.; Ng, Charlotte K.Y.; Norton, Larry; Rakha, Emad A.; Varga, Zsuzsanna; Ellis, Ian O.; Chandarlapaty, Sarat; Weigelt, Britta; Reis-Filho, Jorge S.
Anqi Li
Anastasios D. Papanastasiou
Alison Smith
Pier Selenica
Kathleen A. Burke
Marcia Edelweiss
Huei-Chi Wen
Salvatore Piscuoglio
Anne M. Schultheis
Luciano G. Martelotto
Fresia Pareja
Alissa Brandes
John Lozada
Gabriel S. Macedo
Maria R. de Filippo
Achim A. Jungbluth
Maria Pia Foschini
Hannah Y. Wen
Edi Brogi
Juan Palazzo
Brian P. Rubin
Charlotte K.Y. Ng
Larry Norton
Professor EMAD RAKHA Emad.Rakha@nottingham.ac.uk
Zsuzsanna Varga
Ian O. Ellis
Sarat Chandarlapaty
Britta Weigelt
Jorge S. Reis-Filho
Adenomyoepithelioma of the breast is a rare tumor characterized by epithelial-myoepithelial differentiation, of which a subset will progress to invasive or metastatic cancer. We sought to define the genomic landscape of adenomyoepitheliomas. Massively parallel sequencing revealed highly recurrent somatic mutations in HRAS and PI3K-AKT pathway-related genes. Strikingly, HRAS mutations were restricted to estrogen receptor (ER)-negative tumors, all affected codon 61, and all but one co-occurred with PIK3CA or PIK3R1 mutations. To interrogate the functional significance of HRAS Q61 mutations in adenomyoepithelial differentiation, we expressed HRASQ61R alone or in combination with PIK3CAH1047R in non-transformed ER-negative breast epithelial cells. HRASQ61R induced characteristic phenotypes of adenomyoepitheliomas such as the expression of myoepithelial markers and loss of e-cadherin, hyperactivation of AKT signaling, and transformative properties that were arrested by combination therapy with AKT and MEK inhibitors. Our results indicate that breast adenomyoepitheliomas often manifest a unique transformation program featuring HRAS activation.
Geyer, F. C., Li, A., Papanastasiou, A. D., Smith, A., Selenica, P., Burke, K. A., Edelweiss, M., Wen, H.-C., Piscuoglio, S., Schultheis, A. M., Martelotto, L. G., Pareja, F., Brandes, A., Lozada, J., Macedo, G. S., de Filippo, M. R., Jungbluth, A. A., Foschini, M. P., Wen, H. Y., Brogi, E., …Reis-Filho, J. S. (2018). Recurrent hotspot mutations in HRAS Q61 and PI3K-AKT pathway genes as drivers of breast adenomyoepitheliomas. Nature Communications, 9, Article 1816. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-04128-5
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Apr 6, 2018 |
Publication Date | May 8, 2018 |
Deposit Date | Apr 10, 2018 |
Publicly Available Date | May 8, 2018 |
Journal | Nature Communications |
Electronic ISSN | 2041-1723 |
Publisher | Nature Publishing Group |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 9 |
Article Number | 1816 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-04128-5 |
Keywords | epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma, breast cancer, copy number variation, single nucleotide variant, RNA-sequencing, whole-exome sequencing |
Public URL | https://nottingham-repository.worktribe.com/output/931264 |
Contract Date | Apr 10, 2018 |
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