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Tumour compartment transcriptomics demonstrates the activation of inflammatory and odontogenic programmes in human adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma and identifies the MAPK/ERK pathway as a novel therapeutic target

Apps, John R.; Carreno, Gabriela; Gonzalez-Meljem, Jose Mario; Haston, Scott; Guiho, Romain; Cooper, Julie E.; Manshaei, Saba; Jani, Nital; Holsken, Annett; Pettorini, Benedetta; Beynon, Robert J.; Simpson, Deborah M.; Fraser, Helen C.; Hong, Ying; Hallang, Shirleen; Stone, Thomas J.; Virasami, Alex; Donson, Andrew M.; Jones, David; Aquilina, Kristian; Spoudeas, Helen; Joshi, Abhijit R.; Grundy, Richard G.; Storer, Lisa C. D.; Korbonits, M.; Hilton, David A.; Tossell, Kyoko; Thavaraj, Selvam; Ungless, Mark A.; Gil, Jesus; Buslei, Rolf; Hankinson, Todd; Hargrave, Darren; Goding, Colin; Andoniadou, Cynthia L.; Brogan, Paul; Jacques, Thomas S.; Williams, Hywel J.; Martinez-Barbera, Juan Pedro

Tumour compartment transcriptomics demonstrates the activation of inflammatory and odontogenic programmes in human adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma and identifies the MAPK/ERK pathway as a novel therapeutic target Thumbnail


John R. Apps

Gabriela Carreno

Jose Mario Gonzalez-Meljem

Scott Haston

Romain Guiho

Julie E. Cooper

Saba Manshaei

Nital Jani

Annett Holsken

Benedetta Pettorini

Robert J. Beynon

Deborah M. Simpson

Helen C. Fraser

Ying Hong

Shirleen Hallang

Thomas J. Stone

Alex Virasami

Andrew M. Donson

David Jones

Kristian Aquilina

Helen Spoudeas

Abhijit R. Joshi

Professor of Paediatric Neuro-Oncology

Lisa C. D. Storer

M. Korbonits

David A. Hilton

Kyoko Tossell

Selvam Thavaraj

Mark A. Ungless

Jesus Gil

Rolf Buslei

Todd Hankinson

Darren Hargrave

Colin Goding

Cynthia L. Andoniadou

Paul Brogan

Thomas S. Jacques

Hywel J. Williams

Juan Pedro Martinez-Barbera


Adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas (ACPs) are clinically challenging tumours, the majority of which have activating mutations in CTNNB1. They are histologically complex, showing cystic and solid components, the latter comprised of different morphological cell types (e.g. β-catenin-accumulating cluster cells and palisading epithelium), surrounded by a florid glial reaction with immune cells. Here, we have carried out RNA sequencing on 18 ACP samples and integrated these data with an existing ACP transcriptomic dataset. No studies so far have examined the patterns of gene expression within the different cellular compartments of the tumour. To achieve this goal, we have combined laser capture microdissection with computational analyses to reveal groups of genes that are associated with either epithelial tumour cells (clusters and palisading epithelium), glial tissue or immune infiltrate. We use these human ACP molecular signatures and RNA-Seq data from two ACP mouse models to reveal that cell clusters are molecularly analogous to the enamel knot, a critical signalling centre controlling normal tooth morphogenesis. Supporting this finding, we show that human cluster cells express high levels of several members of the FGF, TGFB and BMP families of secreted factors, which signal to neighbouring cells as evidenced by immunostaining against the phosphorylated proteins pERK1/2, pSMAD3 and pSMAD1/5/9 in both human and mouse ACP. We reveal that inhibiting the MAPK/ERK pathway with trametinib, a clinically approved MEK inhibitor, results in reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis in explant cultures of human and mouse ACP. Finally, we analyse a prominent molecular signature in the glial reactive tissue to characterise the inflammatory microenvironment and uncover the activation of inflammasomes in human ACP. We validate these results by immunostaining against immune cell markers, cytokine ELISA and proteome analysis in both solid tumour and cystic fluid from ACP patients. Our data support a new molecular paradigm for understanding ACP tumorigenesis as an aberrant mimic of natural tooth development and opens new therapeutic opportunities by revealing the activation of the MAPK/ERK and inflammasome pathways in human ACP.

Craniopharyngioma; IL1-β; Inflammasome; MAPK/ERK pathway; Odontogenesis; Paracrine signalling; Trametinib


Apps, J. R., Carreno, G., Gonzalez-Meljem, J. M., Haston, S., Guiho, R., Cooper, J. E., …Martinez-Barbera, J. P. (2018). Tumour compartment transcriptomics demonstrates the activation of inflammatory and odontogenic programmes in human adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma and identifies the MAPK/ERK pathway as a novel therapeutic target. Acta Neuropathologica, 135(5), 757-777.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 2, 2018
Online Publication Date Mar 14, 2018
Publication Date 2018-05
Deposit Date Apr 24, 2018
Publicly Available Date Apr 24, 2018
Journal Acta Neuropathologica
Print ISSN 0001-6322
Electronic ISSN 1432-0533
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 135
Issue 5
Pages 757-777
Keywords Pathology and Forensic Medicine; Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience; Clinical Neurology
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Apr 24, 2018


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