Molecular subgroups of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours in children: an integrated genomic and clinicopathological analysis
Grundy, Richard; Torchia, Jonathon; Picard, Daniel; Lafay-Cousin, Lucie; Hawkins, Cynthia E; Kim, Seung-Ki; Letourneau, Louis; Ra, Prof Young-Shin; Ching Ho, King; Sin Yu Chan, Tiffany; Sin-Chan, Patrick; Dunham, Christopher P; Yip, Stephen; Ng, Ho-keung; Lu, Jian-Qiang; Albrecht, Steffen; Pimentel, Jos?; Chan, Jennifer A; Somers, Gino R; Zielenska, Maria; Faria, Claudia C; Roque, Lucia; Baskin, Berivan; Birks, Diane; Foreman, Prof Nick; Strother, Douglas; Klekner, Almos; Garami, Miklos; Hauser, Peter; Hortob?gyi, Tibor; Bogn?r, Laszl?; Wilson, Beverly; Hukin, Juliette; Carret, Anne-Sophie; Van Meter, Timothy E; Nakamura, Hideo; Toledano, Helen; Fried, Iris; Fults, Daniel; Wataya, Takafumi; Fryer FRCPC, Chris; Eisenstat, David D; Scheineman, Prof Katrin; Johnston, Donna; Michaud, Jean; Zelcer, Shayna; Hammond, Robert; Ramsay, David A; Fleming, Adam J; Lulla, Rishi R; Fangusaro, Jason R; Sirachainan, Nongnuch; Larbcharoensub, Noppadol; Hongeng, Suradej; Abrar Barakzai, Muhammad; Montp...
Jonathon Torchia
Daniel Picard
Lucie Lafay-Cousin
Cynthia E Hawkins
Seung-Ki Kim
Louis Letourneau
Prof Young-Shin Ra
King Ching Ho
Tiffany Sin Yu Chan
Patrick Sin-Chan
Christopher P Dunham
Stephen Yip
Ho-keung Ng
Jian-Qiang Lu
Steffen Albrecht
Jos� Pimentel
Jennifer A Chan
Gino R Somers
Maria Zielenska
Claudia C Faria
Lucia Roque
Berivan Baskin
Diane Birks
Prof Nick Foreman
Douglas Strother
Almos Klekner
Miklos Garami
Peter Hauser
Tibor Hortob�gyi
Laszl� Bogn�r
Beverly Wilson
Juliette Hukin
Anne-Sophie Carret
Timothy E Van Meter
Hideo Nakamura
Helen Toledano
Iris Fried
Daniel Fults
Takafumi Wataya
Chris Fryer FRCPC
David D Eisenstat
Prof Katrin Scheineman
Donna Johnston
Jean Michaud
Shayna Zelcer
Robert Hammond
David A Ramsay
Adam J Fleming
Rishi R Lulla
Jason R Fangusaro
Nongnuch Sirachainan
Noppadol Larbcharoensub
Suradej Hongeng
Muhammad Abrar Barakzai
Alexandre Montpetit
Derek Stephens
Ulrich Sch�ller
Theodore Nicolaides
Tarik Tihan
Joanna Phillips
Michael D Taylor
James T Rutka
Peter Dirks
Gary D Bader
Prof Monika Warmuth-Metz
Prof Stefan Rutkowski
Prof Torsten Pietsch
Alexander R Judkins
Nada Jabado
Prof Eric Bouffet
Dr Annie Huang
Rhabdoid brain tumours, also called atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours, are lethal childhood cancers with characteristic genetic alterations of SMARCB1/hSNF5. Lack of biological understanding of the substantial clinical heterogeneity of these tumours restricts therapeutic advances. We integrated genomic and clinicopathological analyses of a cohort of patients with atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours to find out the molecular basis for clinical heterogeneity in these tumours.
We obtained 259 rhabdoid tumours from 37 international institutions and assessed transcriptional profiles in 43 primary tumours and copy number profiles in 38 primary tumours to discover molecular subgroups of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours. We used gene and pathway enrichment analyses to discover group-specific molecular markers and did immunohistochemical analyses on 125 primary tumours to evaluate clinicopathological significance of molecular subgroup and ASCL1-NOTCH signalling.
Transcriptional analyses identified two atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumour subgroups with differential enrichment of genetic pathways, and distinct clinicopathological and survival features. Expression of ASCL1, a regulator of NOTCH signalling, correlated with supratentorial location (p=0·004) and superior 5-year overall survival (35%, 95% CI 13–57, and 20%, 6–34, for ASCL1-positive and ASCL1-negative tumours, respectively; p=0·033) in 70 patients who received multimodal treatment. ASCL1 expression also correlated with superior 5-year overall survival (34%, 7–61, and 9%, 0–21, for ASCL1-positive and ASCL1-negative tumours, respectively; p=0·001) in 39 patients who received only chemotherapy without radiation. Cox hazard ratios for overall survival in patients with differential ASCL1 enrichment treated with chemotherapy with or without radiation were 2·02 (95% CI 1·04–3·85; p=0·038) and 3·98 (1·71–9·26; p=0·001). Integrated analyses of molecular subgroupings with clinical prognostic factors showed three distinct clinical risk groups of tumours with different therapeutic outcomes.
An integration of clinical risk factors and tumour molecular groups can be used to identify patients who are likely to have improved long-term radiation-free survival and might help therapeutic stratification of patients with atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours.
Grundy, R., Torchia, J., Picard, D., Lafay-Cousin, L., Hawkins, C. E., Kim, S.-K., Letourneau, L., Ra, P. Y.-S., Ching Ho, K., Sin Yu Chan, T., Sin-Chan, P., Dunham, C. P., Yip, S., Ng, H.-K., Lu, J.-Q., Albrecht, S., Pimentel, J., Chan, J. A., Somers, G. R., Zielenska, M., … Huang, D. A. (2015). Molecular subgroups of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours in children: an integrated genomic and clinicopathological analysis. Lancet Oncology, 16(5), 569-582.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Online Publication Date | Apr 13, 2015 |
Publication Date | May 1, 2015 |
Deposit Date | Aug 25, 2017 |
Journal | Lancet Oncology |
Print ISSN | 1470-2045 |
Electronic ISSN | 1474-5488 |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 16 |
Issue | 5 |
Pages | 569-582 |
DOI | |
Public URL | |
Publisher URL | |
PMID | 25882982 |
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