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Electric superbike racing: the design and construction of a championship winning electric superbike

Wheeler, Patrick; Blissett, Jonathan; Gimeno-Fabra, Miquel

Electric superbike racing: the design and construction of a championship winning electric superbike Thumbnail


Jonathan Blissett


The electric superbikes recently developed at The University of Nottingham have to be considered as a high performance vehicles, competing with its internal combustion engine driven counterparts. This paper presents the motivations for this work as well the design decisions taken to maximize performance in race conditions, along with modelling undertaken to gain an insight into the system interaction as a whole. Data recorded during races and on a rolling road are presented to validate the simulation work.


Wheeler, P., Blissett, J., & Gimeno-Fabra, M. (2017). Electric superbike racing: the design and construction of a championship winning electric superbike.

Conference Name 2017 7th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA 2017)
End Date Dec 14, 2017
Acceptance Date Nov 15, 2017
Online Publication Date Feb 1, 2018
Publication Date Dec 13, 2017
Deposit Date Jun 6, 2018
Publicly Available Date Jun 6, 2018
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Torque; Motorcycles; Permanent magnet motors; Gears; Batteries; Wheels; Motor drives
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Contract Date Jun 6, 2018


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