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A practical and time-efficient high-intensity interval training program modifies cardio-metabolic risk factors in adults with risk factors for type ii diabetes

Phillips, Bethan E.; Kelly, Benjamin M.; Lilja, Mats; Ponce-Gonz�lez, Jes�s Gustavo; Brogan, Robert J.; Morris, David L.; Gustafsson, Thomas; Kraus, William E.; Atherton, Philip J.; Vollaard, Niels B. J.; Rooyackers, Olav; Timmons, James A.

A practical and time-efficient high-intensity interval training program modifies cardio-metabolic risk factors in adults with risk factors for type ii diabetes Thumbnail


Benjamin M. Kelly

Mats Lilja

Jes�s Gustavo Ponce-Gonz�lez

Robert J. Brogan

David L. Morris

Thomas Gustafsson

William E. Kraus

Niels B. J. Vollaard

Olav Rooyackers

James A. Timmons


Introduction: Regular physical activity (PA) can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but adherence to time-orientated (150 min week−1 or more) PA guidelines is very poor. A practical and time-efficient PA regime that was equally efficacious at controlling risk factors for cardio-metabolic disease is one solution to this problem. Herein, we evaluate a new time-efficient and genuinely practical high-intensity interval training (HIT) protocol in men and women with pre-existing risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

Materials and methods: One hundred eighty-nine sedentary women (n = 101) and men (n = 88) with impaired glucose tolerance and/or a body mass index >27 kg m−2 [mean (range) age: 36 (18–53) years] participated in this multi-center study. Each completed a fully supervised 6-week HIT protocol at work-loads equivalent to ~100 or ~125% V˙O2 max. Change in V˙O2 max was used to monitor protocol efficacy, while Actiheart™ monitors were used to determine PA during four, weeklong, periods. Mean arterial (blood) pressure (MAP) and fasting insulin resistance [homeostatic model assessment (HOMA)-IR] represent key health biomarker outcomes.

Results: The higher intensity bouts (~125% V˙O2 max) used during a 5-by-1 min HIT protocol resulted in a robust increase in V˙O2 max (136 participants, +10.0%, p < 0.001; large size effect). 5-by-1 HIT reduced MAP (~3%; p < 0.001) and HOMA-IR (~16%; p < 0.01). Physiological responses were similar in men and women while a sizeable proportion of the training-induced changes in V˙O2 max, MAP, and HOMA-IR was retained 3 weeks after cessation of training. The supervised HIT sessions accounted for the entire quantifiable increase in PA, and this equated to 400 metabolic equivalent (MET) min week−1. Meta-analysis indicated that 5-by-1 HIT matched the efficacy and variability of a time-consuming 30-week PA program on V˙O2 max, MAP, and HOMA-IR.

Conclusion: With a total time-commitment of <15 min per session and reliance on a practical ergometer protocol, 5-by-1 HIT offers a new solution to modulate cardio-metabolic risk factors in adults with pre-existing risk factors for type 2 diabetes while approximately meeting the MET min week−1 PA guidelines. Long-term randomized controlled studies will be required to quantify the ability for 5-by-1 HIT to reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes, while strategies are required to harmonize the adaptations to exercise across individuals.


Phillips, B. E., Kelly, B. M., Lilja, M., Ponce-González, J. G., Brogan, R. J., Morris, D. L., Gustafsson, T., Kraus, W. E., Atherton, P. J., Vollaard, N. B. J., Rooyackers, O., & Timmons, J. A. (2017). A practical and time-efficient high-intensity interval training program modifies cardio-metabolic risk factors in adults with risk factors for type ii diabetes. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 8, Article 229.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 22, 2017
Publication Date Sep 8, 2017
Deposit Date Sep 15, 2017
Publicly Available Date Sep 15, 2017
Journal Frontiers in Endocrinology
Electronic ISSN 1664-2392
Publisher Frontiers Media
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Article Number 229
Keywords health, exercise, high-intensity interval training, variability, V˙O2 max, blood pressure, detraining, homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Sep 15, 2017


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