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Epistemic geographies of climate change: science, space and politics

Mahony, Martin; Hulme, Mike

Epistemic geographies of climate change: science, space and politics Thumbnail


Martin Mahony

Mike Hulme


Anthropogenic climate change has been presented as the archetypal global problem, identified by the slow work of assembling a global knowledge infrastructure, and demanding a concertedly global political response. But this ‘global’ knowledge has distinctive geographies, shaped by histories of exploration and colonialism, by diverse epistemic and material cultures of knowledge-making, and by the often messy processes of linking scientific knowledge to decision-making within different polities. We suggest that understanding of the knowledge politics of climate change may benefit from engagement with literature on the geographies of science. We review work from across the social sciences which resonates with geographers’ interests in the spatialities of scientific knowledge, to build a picture of what we call the epistemic geographies of climate change. Moving from the field site and the computer model to the conference room and international political negotiations, we examine the spatialities of the interactional co-production of knowledge and social order. In so doing, we aim to proffer a new approach to the intersections of space, knowledge and power which can enrich geography’s engagements with the politics of a changing climate.


Mahony, M., & Hulme, M. (in press). Epistemic geographies of climate change: science, space and politics. Progress in Human Geography,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 28, 2016
Online Publication Date Nov 8, 2016
Deposit Date Dec 13, 2016
Publicly Available Date Dec 13, 2016
Journal Progress in Human Geography
Print ISSN 0309-1325
Electronic ISSN 1477-0288
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords climate change; co-production; environmental politics; geographies of science; modelling
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Dec 13, 2016


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