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Oversampled deadbeat current control strategy for PMSM drives

Rovere, Luca; Formentini, Andrea; Zanchetta, Pericle

Oversampled deadbeat current control strategy for PMSM drives Thumbnail


Luca Rovere

Andrea Formentini

Pericle Zanchetta


This paper presents a novel deadbeat current control approach for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) drives capable of operating at a controller sampling frequency multiple of the power converter switching frequency. The proposed technique permits to achieve a constant switching frequency and an optimal current ripple along with a high current loop bandwidth and robust behaviour to parameter variation.


Rovere, L., Formentini, A., & Zanchetta, P. (2016). Oversampled deadbeat current control strategy for PMSM drives.

Conference Name 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2016)
End Date Oct 27, 2016
Acceptance Date Jun 27, 2016
Publication Date Oct 26, 2016
Deposit Date Feb 8, 2017
Publicly Available Date Feb 8, 2017
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Deadbeat control, PMSM drives
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