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A multi-stakeholder strategy to identify conservation priorities in Peninsular Malaysia

Kangayatkarasu, Nagulendran; Padfield, Rory; Aziz, Sheema A.; Amir, A. Aldrie; Rahman, Abd. Rahim Abd.; Latiff, Mohamad A.; Zafir, Ahmad; Quilter, Aida Ghani; Tan, Ange; Arifah, Sharifuddin; Awang, Noor; Azhar, Noraini; Balu, Perumal; Gan, Pek Chuan; Hii, Ning; Reza, Mohammad I.H.; Lavanya, Rama Iyer Lakshmi; Lim, Teckwyn; Mahendra, Shrestha; Rayan, Darmaraj Mark; McGowan, Suzanne; Paxton, Midori; Mohamed, Zakaria; Salleh, Daim Mohd.; Abdullah, M. Tajuddin; Ibrahim, Nik Aznizan N.; Puan, Chong Leong; Clements, Gopalasamy Reuben; Mohamed, Idris S.M.; Saw, Leng Guan; Shashi, Kumaran; Sivananthan, Elagupillay; Sharma, Dionysius S.K.; Surin, Suksuwan; Vanitha, Ponnusamy; Wadey, Jamie; Hasmah, Wan Mohd Wan; Wong, Ee Phin; Wong, Pui May; Yeap, Chin Aik; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa

A multi-stakeholder strategy to identify conservation priorities in Peninsular Malaysia Thumbnail


Nagulendran Kangayatkarasu

Rory Padfield

Sheema A. Aziz

A. Aldrie Amir

Abd. Rahim Abd. Rahman

Mohamad A. Latiff

Ahmad Zafir

Aida Ghani Quilter

Ange Tan

Sharifuddin Arifah

Noor Awang

Noraini Azhar

Perumal Balu

Pek Chuan Gan

Ning Hii

Mohammad I.H. Reza

Rama Iyer Lakshmi Lavanya

Teckwyn Lim

Shrestha Mahendra

Darmaraj Mark Rayan

Suzanne McGowan

Midori Paxton

Zakaria Mohamed

Daim Mohd. Salleh

M. Tajuddin Abdullah

Nik Aznizan N. Ibrahim

Chong Leong Puan

Gopalasamy Reuben Clements

Idris S.M. Mohamed

Leng Guan Saw

Kumaran Shashi

Elagupillay Sivananthan

Dionysius S.K. Sharma

Suksuwan Surin

Ponnusamy Vanitha

Jamie Wadey

Wan Mohd Wan Hasmah

Ee Phin Wong

Pui May Wong

Chin Aik Yeap

Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz


Malaysia, with its rapidly growing economy, exemplifies the tensions between conservation and development faced by many tropical nations. Here we present the results of a multi-stakeholder engagement exercise conducted to (1) define conservation priorities in Peninsular Malaysia and (2) explore differences in perceptions among and within stakeholder groups (i.e. government, academia, NGOs and the private sector). Our data collection involved two workshops and two online surveys where participants identified seven general conservation themes and ranked the top five priority issues within each theme. The themes were: (1) policy and management, (2) legislation and enforcement, (3) finance and resource allocation, (4) knowledge, research and development, (5) socio-economic issues, (6) public awareness and participation and (7) rights of nature. In spite of their very different backgrounds and agendas, the four stakeholder groups showed general agreement in their priority preferences except for two issues. Respondents from government and private sector differed the most from each other in their priority choices while academia and NGO showed the highest degree of similarity. This ranked list of 35 conservation priorities is expected to influence the work of policy-makers and others in Peninsular Malaysia and can be used as a model to identify conservation priorities elsewhere.


Kangayatkarasu, N., Padfield, R., Aziz, S. A., Amir, A. A., Rahman, A. R. A., Latiff, M. A., …Campos-Arceiz, A. (2016). A multi-stakeholder strategy to identify conservation priorities in Peninsular Malaysia. Cogent Environmental Science, 2,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 25, 2016
Publication Date Oct 31, 2016
Deposit Date Jan 3, 2018
Publicly Available Date Jan 3, 2018
Journal Cogent Environmental Science
Electronic ISSN 2331-1843
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 2
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Jan 3, 2018


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