Orla Shortall
Broken biosecurity?: veterinarians’ framing of biosecurity on dairy farms in England
Shortall, Orla; Ruston, Annmarie; Green, Martin J.; Brennan, Marnie L.; Wapenaar, Wendela; Kaler, Jasmeet
Annmarie Ruston
Martin J. Green
Marnie L. Brennan
Wendela Wapenaar
There is seen to be a need for better biosecurity – the control of disease spread on and off farm – in the dairy sector. Veterinarians play a key role in communicating and implementing biosecurity measures on farm, and little research has been carried out on how veterinarians see their own and farmers’ roles in improving biosecurity. In order to help address this gap, qualitative interviews were carried out with 28 veterinarians from Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon farm accredited practices in England. The results were analysed using a social ecology framework and frame analysis to explore not only what barriers vets identified, but also how vets saw the problem of inadequate biosecurity as being located.
Veterinarians’ frames of biosecurity were analysed at the individual, interpersonal and contextual scales, following the social ecology framework, which see the problem in different ways with different solutions. Farmers and veterinarians were both framed by veterinarians as individualised groups lacking consistency. This means that best practice is not spread and veterinarians are finding it difficult to work as a group to move towards a “predict and prevent” model of veterinary intervention. But diversity and individualism were also framed as positive and necessary among veterinarians to the extent that they can tailor advice to individual farmers.
Veterinarians saw their role in educating the farmer as not only being about giving advice to farmers, but trying to convince the farmer of their perspective and values on disease problems. Vets felt they were meeting with limited success because vets and farmers may be emphasising different framings of biosecurity. Vets emphasise the individual and interpersonal frames that disease problems are a problem on farm that can and should be controlled by individual farmers working with vets. According to vets, farmers may emphasise the contextual frame that biosecurity is largely outside of their control on dairy farms because of logistical, economic and geographical factors, and so some level of disease on dairy farms is not entirely unexpected or controllable. There needs to be a step back within the vet-farmer relationship to realise that there may be different perspectives at play, and within the wider debate to explore the question of what a biosecure dairy sector would look like within a rapidly changing agricultural landscape.
Shortall, O., Ruston, A., Green, M. J., Brennan, M. L., Wapenaar, W., & Kaler, J. (2016). Broken biosecurity?: veterinarians’ framing of biosecurity on dairy farms in England. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 132, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.06.001
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Jun 1, 2016 |
Online Publication Date | Jun 4, 2016 |
Publication Date | Sep 15, 2016 |
Deposit Date | Oct 27, 2016 |
Publicly Available Date | Oct 27, 2016 |
Journal | Preventive Veterinary Medicine |
Print ISSN | 0167-5877 |
Electronic ISSN | 1873-1716 |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 132 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.06.001 |
Keywords | Dairy biosecurity; Veterinarians; Decision making; Disease control; Frame analysis; Qualitative |
Public URL | https://nottingham-repository.worktribe.com/output/817707 |
Publisher URL | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016758771630157X |
Contract Date | Oct 27, 2016 |
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