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The Herschel-ATLAS data release 1: II. Multi-wavelength counterparts to submillimetre sources

Bourne, N.; Dunne, L.; Maddox, S.J.; Dye, S.; Furlanetto, C.; Hoyos, Carlos; Smith, D.J.B.; Eales, S.; Smith, M.W.L.; Valiante, E.; Alpaslan, M.; Andrae, E.; Baldry, I.K.; Cluver, M.E.; Cooray, A.; Driver, S.P.; Dunlop, J.S.; Grootes, M.W.; Ivison, R.J.; Jarrett, Tom; Liske, J.; Madore, B.F.; Popescu, C.C.; Robotham, A.G.; Rowlands, K.; Seibert, M.; Thompson, M.A.; Tuffs, Richard J.; Viaene, S.; Wright, A.H.

The Herschel-ATLAS data release 1: II. Multi-wavelength counterparts to submillimetre sources Thumbnail


N. Bourne

L. Dunne

S.J. Maddox

C. Furlanetto

Carlos Hoyos

D.J.B. Smith

S. Eales

M.W.L. Smith

E. Valiante

M. Alpaslan

E. Andrae

I.K. Baldry

M.E. Cluver

A. Cooray

S.P. Driver

J.S. Dunlop

M.W. Grootes

R.J. Ivison

Tom Jarrett

J. Liske

B.F. Madore

C.C. Popescu

A.G. Robotham

K. Rowlands

M. Seibert

M.A. Thompson

Richard J. Tuffs

S. Viaene

A.H. Wright


This paper is the second in a pair of papers presenting data release 1 (DR1) of the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS), the largest single open-time key project carried out with the HerschelSpace Observatory. The H-ATLAS is a wide-area imaging survey carried out in five photometric bands at 100, 160, 250, 350 and 500 μm covering a total area of 600 deg2. In this paper, we describe the identification of optical counterparts to submillimetre sources in DR1, comprising an area of 161 deg2 over three equatorial fields of roughly 12 × 4.5 deg centred at 9h, 12h and 14 h.5, respectively. Of all the H-ATLAS fields, the equatorial regions benefit from the greatest overlap with current multi-wavelength surveys spanning ultraviolet (UV) to mid-infrared regimes, as well as extensive spectroscopic coverage. We use a likelihood ratio technique to identify Sloan Digital Sky Survey counterparts at r < 22.4 for 250-μm-selected sources detected at ≥4σ (≈28 mJy). We find ‘reliable’ counterparts (reliability R ≥ 0.8) for 44 835 sources (39 per cent), with an estimated completeness of 73.0 per cent and contamination rate of 4.7 per cent. Using redshifts and multi-wavelength photometry from GAMA and other public catalogues, we show that H-ATLAS-selected galaxies at z < 0.5 span a wide range of optical colours, total infrared (IR) luminosities and IR/UV ratios, with no strong disposition towards mid-IR-classified active galactic nuclei in comparison with optical selection. The data described herein, together with all maps and catalogues described in the companion paper, are available from the H-ATLAS website at


Bourne, N., Dunne, L., Maddox, S., Dye, S., Furlanetto, C., Hoyos, C., Smith, D., Eales, S., Smith, M., Valiante, E., Alpaslan, M., Andrae, E., Baldry, I., Cluver, M., Cooray, A., Driver, S., Dunlop, J., Grootes, M., Ivison, R., Jarrett, T., …Wright, A. (2016). The Herschel-ATLAS data release 1: II. Multi-wavelength counterparts to submillimetre sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462(2), 1714-1734.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 7, 2016
Online Publication Date Jul 11, 2016
Publication Date Jul 11, 2016
Deposit Date Apr 27, 2017
Publicly Available Date Apr 27, 2017
Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Print ISSN 0035-8711
Electronic ISSN 1365-2966
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 462
Issue 2
Pages 1714-1734
Keywords Methods: statistical, Catalogues, Submillimetre: galaxies, Submillimetre: stars
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©: 2016 The authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
Contract Date Apr 27, 2017


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