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Emotional intelligence as a moderator in the emotional labour-burnout relationship: evidence from Malaysian HR professionals

Mustafa, Michael; Santos, Angeli; Chern, Gwi Terk

Emotional intelligence as a moderator in the emotional labour-burnout relationship: evidence from Malaysian HR professionals Thumbnail


Michael Mustafa

Gwi Terk Chern


The role of emotions amongst employees with extensive interpersonal interactions has been identified as critical for both individual and organisational performance. This particular study examines the relationship between emotional labour, trait emotional intelligence and three dimensions of burnout. Specifically, we examine whether trait emotional intelligence moderates the relationship between emotional labour and burnout. Based on a sample of 136 Malaysian HR professionals, we find that surface acting, but not deep acting, is a significant direct predictor of personal and work-related burnout. More interestingly though, trait emotional intelligence only buffered the effects between deep acting strategies and personal and work-related burnout. The findings from our study contribute to a deeper understanding of the conditions under which emotional labour can be beneficial to employee well-being.


Mustafa, M., Santos, A., & Chern, G. T. (2016). Emotional intelligence as a moderator in the emotional labour-burnout relationship: evidence from Malaysian HR professionals. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 7(2),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 10, 2016
Publication Date Jul 28, 2016
Deposit Date Oct 19, 2016
Publicly Available Date Oct 19, 2016
Journal International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion
Print ISSN 1740-8938
Electronic ISSN 1740-8946
Publisher Inderscience
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 7
Issue 2
Keywords Emotional labour; Emotional intelligence; Trait EI; Employee burnout; Person-job fit; Malaysia; Employee emotions; Interpersonal interactions; Human resources; Surface acting; Deep acting; Employee wellbeing; Trait congruency; Individual traits; Personality traits
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Contract Date Oct 19, 2016