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Conducted emission evaluation for direct matrix converters

Nothofer, A.; Tarisciotti, Luca; Greedy, Steve; Empringham, Lee; De Lillo, Liliana; Degano, M.


A. Nothofer

Luca Tarisciotti

M. Degano


Matrix converters have been recently proposed as an alternative solution to the standard back-to-back converter in aerospace applications. However, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), in particular, conducted emissions represent a critical aspect for this converter family. Direct Matrix Converter (DMC) are usually modelled only at the normal operating frequency, but for the research presented in this paper, the model is modified in order to include a detailed high frequency description, which is of interest for conducted emission studies. This paper analyzes the performance of DMC, when different control and modulation techniques are used. Experimental results are shown to validate the simulation models.


Nothofer, A., Tarisciotti, L., Greedy, S., Empringham, L., De Lillo, L., & Degano, M. Conducted emission evaluation for direct matrix converters. Presented at 2016 ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC

Conference Name 2016 ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC
End Date May 25, 2016
Acceptance Date Apr 4, 2016
Publication Date May 25, 2016
Deposit Date Aug 1, 2016
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Public URL
Contract Date Jul 4, 2016