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Towards uncertainty in dimensional metrology of surface features for advanced manufacturing

Musso, Giuseppe; Senin, Nicola; Galetto, Maurizio; Leach, Richard K.

Towards uncertainty in dimensional metrology of surface features for advanced manufacturing Thumbnail


Giuseppe Musso

Nicola Senin

Maurizio Galetto

Richard K. Leach


In previous work, an original approach was developed for the dimensional characterisation of surface features on parts and test artefacts, aimed at supporting researchers involved in the study of advanced manufacturing processes. In the approach, methods and algorithms from image processing, coordinate metrology, surface metrology and reverse engineering are merged into an original framework for feature identification, extraction and dimensional characterisation, starting from areal topography data. With the ultimate goal of associating uncertainty to the results obtained in dimensional characterisation, this paper focuses on specifically investigating reproducibility and repeatability of dimensional characterisation results obtained on a test dataset consisting of a step-like feature manufactured by material jetting.


Musso, G., Senin, N., Galetto, M., & Leach, R. K. Towards uncertainty in dimensional metrology of surface features for advanced manufacturing. Presented at euspen 16th International Conference & Exhibition

Conference Name euspen 16th International Conference & Exhibition
End Date Jun 3, 2016
Publication Date May 30, 2016
Deposit Date Jul 22, 2016
Publicly Available Date Jul 22, 2016
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Surface metrology; Advanced manufacturing processes Dimensional characterisation; Uncertainty in measurement; Repeatability; Reproducibility
Public URL
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Contract Date Jul 22, 2016


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