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A monometallic lanthanide bis(methanediide) single molecule magnet with a large energy barrier and complex spin relaxation behaviour

Gregson, Matthew; Chilton, Nicholas F.; Ariciu, Ana Maria; Tuna, Floriana; Crowe, Iain F.; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Collison, David; McInnes, Eric J.L.; Winpenny, Richard E.P.; Liddle, Stephen T.

A monometallic lanthanide bis(methanediide) single molecule magnet with a large energy barrier and complex spin relaxation behaviour Thumbnail


Matthew Gregson

Nicholas F. Chilton

Ana Maria Ariciu

Floriana Tuna

Iain F. Crowe

William Lewis

Alexander J. Blake

David Collison

Eric J.L. McInnes

Richard E.P. Winpenny

Stephen T. Liddle


© The Royal Society of Chemistry. We report a dysprosium(iii) bis(methanediide) single molecule magnet (SMM) where stabilisation of the highly magnetic states and suppression of mixing of opposite magnetic projections is imposed by a linear arrangement of negatively-charged donor atoms supported by weak neutral donors. Treatment of [Ln(BIPMTMS)(BIPMTMSH)] [Ln = Dy, 1Dy; Y, 1Y; BIPMTMS = {C(PPh2NSiMe3)2}2-; BIPMTMSH = {HC(PPh2NSiMe3)2}-] with benzyl potassium/18-crown-6 ether (18C6) in THF afforded [Ln(BIPMTMS)2][K(18C6)(THF)2] [Ln = Dy, 2Dy; Y, 2Y]. AC magnetic measurements of 2Dy in zero DC field show temperature- and frequency-dependent SMM behaviour. Orbach relaxation dominates at high temperature, but at lower temperatures a second-order Raman process dominates. Complex 2Dy exhibits two thermally activated energy barriers (Ueff) of 721 and 813 K, the largest Ueff values for any monometallic dysprosium(iii) complex. Dilution experiments confirm the molecular origin of this phenomenon. Complex 2Dy has rich magnetic dynamics; field-cooled (FC)/zero-field cooled (ZFC) susceptibility measurements show a clear divergence at 16 K, meaning the magnetic observables are out-of-equilibrium below this temperature, however the maximum in ZFC, which conventionally defines the blocking temperature, TB, is found at 10 K. Magnetic hysteresis is also observed in 10% 2Dy@2Y at these temperatures. Ab initio calculations suggest the lowest three Kramers doublets of the ground 6H15/2 multiplet of 2Dy are essentially pure, well-isolated |±15/2〉, |±13/2〉 and |±11/2〉 states quantised along the CDyC axis. Thermal relaxation occurs via the 4th and 5th doublets, verified experimentally for the first time, and calculated Ueff values of 742 and 810 K compare very well to experimental magnetism and luminescence data. This work validates a design strategy towards realising high-temperature SMMs and produces unusual spin relaxation behaviour where the magnetic observables are out-of-equilibrium some 6 K above the formal blocking temperature.


Gregson, M., Chilton, N. F., Ariciu, A. M., Tuna, F., Crowe, I. F., Lewis, W., Blake, A. J., Collison, D., McInnes, E. J., Winpenny, R. E., & Liddle, S. T. (2015). A monometallic lanthanide bis(methanediide) single molecule magnet with a large energy barrier and complex spin relaxation behaviour. Chemical Science, 7(1), 155-165.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 20, 2015
Online Publication Date Nov 23, 2015
Publication Date Nov 23, 2015
Deposit Date Sep 28, 2017
Publicly Available Date Sep 28, 2017
Journal Chemical Science
Print ISSN 2041-6520
Electronic ISSN 2041-6539
Publisher Royal Society of Chemistry
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 7
Issue 1
Pages 155-165
Public URL
Publisher URL!divAbstract
Additional Information : This document is Similarity Check deposited; : Supplementary Information; : Crystal Structure Data; : Nicholas F. Chilton (ORCID); : Alexander J. Blake (ORCID); : Alexander J. Blake (ResearcherID); : The Royal Society of Chemistry has an exclusive publication licence for this journal; OPEN ACCESS: This article is freely available. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence (CC BY 3.0); : Single-blind; : Received 21 August 2015; Accepted 20 November 2015; Accepted Manuscript published 23 November 2015; Advance Article published 1 December 2015; Version of Record published 14 December 2015
Contract Date Sep 28, 2017


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