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Influence of aggregate mineralogical composition on water resistance of aggregate–bitumen adhesion

Zhang, Jizhe; Apeagyei, Alex K.; Airey, Gordon D.; Grenfell, James R.A.

Influence of aggregate mineralogical composition on water resistance of aggregate–bitumen adhesion Thumbnail


Jizhe Zhang

Alex K. Apeagyei

Gordon D. Airey

James R.A. Grenfell


The effects of aggregate mineralogical composition on moistures sensitivity of aggregate–bitumen bonds were investigated using four aggregate types (two limestone and two granite)and two bitumen grades (40/60 penand70/100pen). Moisture sensitivity (or water resistance) of the aggregate–bitumen bonds were characterized using retained strength obtained from three different tensile tests (peel, PATTI and pull-off). The results showed significant differences in the amount of moisture absorbed by a given aggregate which suggested strong correlations between aggregate mineral composition and moisture absorption. For most of the aggregate–bitumen bonds, failure surfaces transformed from cohesive to adhesive with conditioning time there by confirming the strong influence of moisture on aggregate bonds. The three tensile tests used in this study showed similar rankings in terms of moisture sensitivity but the pull-off test was found to be the most sensitive. The effect of bitumen on moisture sensitivity was found to be lower than the effect of aggregates, with the moisture absorption properties of the aggregates depending strongly on certain key minerals including clay, anorthite and calcite. Strong correlations ere also found between mineral compositions and moisture sensitivity with clay and anorthite having strong negative influence while calcite showed positive effect on moisture sensitivity. Previous studies have identified various mineral phases like albite, quartz, and k-feldspar, as detrimental in terms of moisture sensitivity.The results appear to support the extension of the existing list of detrimental aggregate minerals to include anorthite and clay while supporting the case of calcite as a moisture resistant mineral.


Zhang, J., Apeagyei, A. K., Airey, G. D., & Grenfell, J. R. (2015). Influence of aggregate mineralogical composition on water resistance of aggregate–bitumen adhesion. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 62,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 22, 2015
Online Publication Date Jun 29, 2015
Publication Date Oct 30, 2015
Deposit Date Feb 20, 2017
Publicly Available Date Feb 20, 2017
Journal International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives
Print ISSN 0143-7496
Electronic ISSN 0143-7496
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 62
Keywords Aggregate; Adhesion; Bitumen; Water resistance
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Feb 20, 2017


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