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Selection criteria and robust optimization of a traction PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance motor

Degano, Michele; Carraro, M.; Bianchi, Nicola

Selection criteria and robust optimization of a traction PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance motor Thumbnail


M. Carraro

Nicola Bianchi


In the coming years, the electrification and the deployment of the electric motors in the urban transports will become a more and more widespread reality. The optimization stage of the electric motors usually does not consider in detail the real driving conditions of the car in which the motor is installed. It follows that the actual motor performance in operating points, particularly as regards the torque ripple and the efficiency, might be worse than expected. A robust solution is a required target. This paper deals with the design and optimization of a high-speed permanent-magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motor for traction applications, taking into account both city and highway driving cycles. A procedure is employed in order to evaluate the most representative operating points, which have to be considered when a global optimization is required. An analysis of the solution robustness has been performed. Both results and advantages of the adopted methodology are highlighted.


Degano, M., Carraro, M., & Bianchi, N. (2015). Selection criteria and robust optimization of a traction PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance motor. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 51(6),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 16, 2015
Publication Date Jun 9, 2015
Deposit Date Jul 21, 2016
Publicly Available Date Jul 21, 2016
Journal IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Print ISSN 0093-9994
Electronic ISSN 1939-9367
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 51
Issue 6
Keywords Optimization Methods, Permanent-Magnet (PM) Motors, Reluctance Machines, Robustness, Traction Motors
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Contract Date Jul 21, 2016


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