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A feasibility study of an in-the-wild experimental public access WiFi network

Sathiaseelan, Arjuna; Mortier, Richard; Goulden, Murray; Greiffenhagen, Christian; Radenkovic, Milena; Crowcroft, Jon; McAuley, Derek

A feasibility study of an in-the-wild experimental public access WiFi network Thumbnail


Arjuna Sathiaseelan

Richard Mortier

Christian Greiffenhagen

Jon Crowcroft

Derek McAuley


© 2014 ACM. Universal Internet access has become critical to modern life, leading to many explorations of approaches to increase its availability. In this paper we report on a study of one such approach, PAWS, that seeks to understand the technical and social constraints of providing Internet access, free at the point of use, by sharing existing broadband subscribers' connections. We elaborate the technical and social context of our deployment, a deprived neighbourhood in a medium-sized British city, and discuss the constraints on and resulting architecture of this system, including the authentication and security mechanisms necessary for a service of this kind. We then report on the use of our deployment over a period of seven months from July 2013 to February 2014, including analyses of the performance and usage of the network. Our data show that PAWS is socially and technically feasible and has the potential to provide Internet access economically to many who are currently digitally disenfranchised. However, doing so requires overcoming numerous challenges, both technical and social.


Sathiaseelan, A., Mortier, R., Goulden, M., Greiffenhagen, C., Radenkovic, M., Crowcroft, J., & McAuley, D. (2014, December). A feasibility study of an in-the-wild experimental public access WiFi network. Presented at ACM DEV 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Symposium on Computing for Development, San Jose, California, USA

Presentation Conference Type Edited Proceedings
Conference Name ACM DEV 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Symposium on Computing for Development
Start Date Dec 5, 2014
End Date Dec 6, 2014
Acceptance Date Sep 15, 2014
Publication Date Dec 6, 2014
Deposit Date Oct 7, 2016
Publicly Available Date Oct 7, 2016
Publisher Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 2014-Dec
Pages 33-42
Book Title Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Symposium on Computing for Development - ACM DEV-5 '14
ISBN 9781450329361
Keywords free internet, socio-economic, wireless
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Published in: Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Symposium on Computing for Development (ACM DEV-5 '14). New York : ACM, 2014. pp. 33-42, ISBN 9781450329361. doi:10.1145/2674377.2674383.
Contract Date Oct 7, 2016


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