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Community guidelines for GPCR ligand bias: IUPHAR review 32

Kolb, Peter; Kenakin, Terry; Alexander, Stephen P. H.; Bermudez, Marcel; Bohn, Laura M.; Breinholt, Christian S.; Bouvier, Michel; Hill, Stephen J.; Kostenis, Evi; Martemyanov, Kirill; Neubig, Rick R.; Onaran, H. Ongun; Rajagopal, Sudarshan; Roth, Bryan L.; Selent, Jana; Shukla, Arun K.; Sommer, Martha E.; Gloriam, David E.

Community guidelines for GPCR ligand bias: IUPHAR review 32 Thumbnail


Peter Kolb

Terry Kenakin

Marcel Bermudez

Laura M. Bohn

Christian S. Breinholt

Michel Bouvier

Evi Kostenis

Kirill Martemyanov

Rick R. Neubig

H. Ongun Onaran

Sudarshan Rajagopal

Bryan L. Roth

Jana Selent

Arun K. Shukla

Martha E. Sommer

David E. Gloriam


GPCRs modulate a plethora of physiological processes and mediate the effects of one-third of FDA-approved drugs. Depending on which ligand activates a receptor, it can engage different intracellular transducers. This ‘biased signalling’ paradigm requires that we now characterize physiological signalling not just by receptors but by ligand–receptor pairs. Ligands eliciting biased signalling may constitute better drugs with higher efficacy and fewer adverse effects. However, ligand bias is very complex, making reproducibility and description challenging. Here, we provide guidelines and terminology for any scientists to design and report ligand bias experiments. The guidelines will aid consistency and clarity, as the basic receptor research and drug discovery communities continue to advance our understanding and exploitation of ligand bias. Scientific insight, biosensors, and analytical methods are still evolving and should benefit from and contribute to the implementation of the guidelines, together improving translation from in vitro to disease-relevant in vivo models.


Kolb, P., Kenakin, T., Alexander, S. P. H., Bermudez, M., Bohn, L. M., Breinholt, C. S., Bouvier, M., Hill, S. J., Kostenis, E., Martemyanov, K., Neubig, R. R., Onaran, H. O., Rajagopal, S., Roth, B. L., Selent, J., Shukla, A. K., Sommer, M. E., & Gloriam, D. E. (2022). Community guidelines for GPCR ligand bias: IUPHAR review 32. British Journal of Pharmacology, 179(14), 3651-3674.

Journal Article Type Review
Acceptance Date Jan 13, 2022
Publication Date 2022-07
Deposit Date Oct 23, 2023
Publicly Available Date Nov 27, 2023
Journal British Journal of Pharmacology
Print ISSN 0007-1188
Electronic ISSN 1476-5381
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 179
Issue 14
Pages 3651-3674
Keywords Pharmacology
Public URL
Publisher URL


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