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Inhibition of metal dusting of alloy 800H by laser surface melting

Voisey, K.T.; Liu, Z.; Stott, F.H.

Inhibition of metal dusting of alloy 800H by laser surface melting Thumbnail


Z. Liu

F.H. Stott


Metal dusting is a catastrophic carburisation phenomenon that occurs at temperatures of 450-850°C in atmospheres of high carbon activity. The resistance of alloys to corrosion, including metal dusting, relies on the formation of a dense, adherent oxide layer that separates the alloy from the corrosive environment. For such an oxide layer to be protective, it must achieve full surface coverage, be crack-free and be established before significant material degradation has occurred. Formation of a protective oxide scale can be enhanced by increasing the population of rapid diffusion paths for the protective elements (e.g. Cr and Al) to reach the alloy surface.
In this work, laser surface melting has been used to improve the metal dusting resistance of Alloy 800H by creating a rapid solidification microstructure and, thereby, increasing the density of rapid diffusion paths. Oxidation during laser processing has been found to be detrimental to metal dusting resistance. However, it has been demonstrated that the resulting oxide can be removed without compromising metal dusting resistance.
Results of exposure to a metal dusting atmosphere (20% H2 80% CO at 650°C) are presented. Samples have been examined in plan and cross-section using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Selected samples were also examined by electron probe microanalysis and X-ray diffraction.


Voisey, K., Liu, Z., & Stott, F. (2006). Inhibition of metal dusting of alloy 800H by laser surface melting. Applied Surface Science, 252(10),

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Mar 15, 2006
Deposit Date Jan 28, 2015
Publicly Available Date Jan 28, 2015
Journal Applied Surface Science
Print ISSN 0169-4332
Electronic ISSN 1873-5584
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 252
Issue 10
Keywords metal dusting; laser surface melting; surface engineering
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This work was carried out at the UMIST corrosion and protection centre.
NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Applied Surface Science. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Applied Surface Science, v. 252, issue 10, (2006) doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.05.040