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TBC1D24 genotype–phenotype correlation: Epilepsies and other neurologic features

Balestrini, Simona; Milh, Mathieu; Castiglioni, Claudia; L?thy, Kevin; Verstreken, Patrik; Cardon, Aaron; Stra?i?ar, Barbara Gnidovec; Holder, J. Lloyd; Lesca, Gaetan; Mancardi, Maria M.; Finelli, Mattea J.; Poulat, Anne L.; Repetto, Gabriela M.; Banka, Siddharth; Bilo, Leonilda; Birkeland, Laura E.; Bosch, Friedrich; Brockmann, Knut; Cross, J. Helen; Doummar, Diane; F?lix, Temis M.; Giuliano, Fabienne; Hori, Mutsuki; H?ning, Irina; Kayserili, Hulia; Kini, Usha; Lees, Melissa M.; Meenakshi, Girish; Mewasingh, Leena; Pagnamenta, Alistair T.; Peluso, Silvio; Mey, Antje; Rice, Gregory M.; Rosenfeld, Jill A.; Taylor, Jenny C.; Troester, Matthew M.; Stanley, Christine M.; Ville, Dorothee; Walkiewicz, Magdalena; Falace, Antonio; Fassio, Anna; Lemke, Johannes R.; Biskup, Saskia; Tardif, Jessica; Ajeawung, Norbert F.; Tolun, Aslihan; Corbett, Mark; Gecz, Jozef; Afawi, Zaid; Howell, Katherine B.; Oliver, Karen L.; Berkovic, Samuel F.; Scheffer, Ingrid E.; de Falco, Fabrizio A.; Oliver, Peter L....

TBC1D24 genotype–phenotype correlation: Epilepsies and other neurologic features Thumbnail


Simona Balestrini

Mathieu Milh

Claudia Castiglioni

Kevin L�thy

Patrik Verstreken

Aaron Cardon

Barbara Gnidovec Stra�i�ar

J. Lloyd Holder

Gaetan Lesca

Maria M. Mancardi

Anne L. Poulat

Gabriela M. Repetto

Siddharth Banka

Leonilda Bilo

Laura E. Birkeland

Friedrich Bosch

Knut Brockmann

J. Helen Cross

Diane Doummar

Temis M. F�lix

Fabienne Giuliano

Mutsuki Hori

Irina H�ning

Hulia Kayserili

Usha Kini

Melissa M. Lees

Girish Meenakshi

Leena Mewasingh

Alistair T. Pagnamenta

Silvio Peluso

Antje Mey

Gregory M. Rice

Jill A. Rosenfeld

Jenny C. Taylor

Matthew M. Troester

Christine M. Stanley

Dorothee Ville

Magdalena Walkiewicz

Antonio Falace

Anna Fassio

Johannes R. Lemke

Saskia Biskup

Jessica Tardif

Norbert F. Ajeawung

Aslihan Tolun

Mark Corbett

Jozef Gecz

Zaid Afawi

Katherine B. Howell

Karen L. Oliver

Samuel F. Berkovic

Ingrid E. Scheffer

Fabrizio A. de Falco

Peter L. Oliver

Pasquale Striano

Federico Zara

Phillipe M. Campeau

S.M. Sisodiya


Simona Balestrini

Mathieu Milh

Claudia Castiglioni

Kevin L�thy

Patrik Verstreken

Aaron Cardon

Barbara Gnidovec Stra�i�ar

J. Lloyd Holder

Gaetan Lesca

Maria M. Mancardi

Anne L. Poulat

Gabriela M. Repetto

Siddharth Banka

Leonilda Bilo

Laura E. Birkeland

Friedrich Bosch

Knut Brockmann

J. Helen Cross

Diane Doummar

Temis M. F�lix

Fabienne Giuliano

Mutsuki Hori

Irina H�ning

Hulia Kayserili

Usha Kini

Melissa M. Lees

Girish Meenakshi

Leena Mewasingh

Alistair T. Pagnamenta

Silvio Peluso

Antje Mey

Gregory M. Rice

Jill A. Rosenfeld

Jenny C. Taylor

Matthew M. Troester

Christine M. Stanley

Dorothee Ville

Magdalena Walkiewicz

Antonio Falace

Anna Fassio

Johannes R. Lemke

Saskia Biskup

Jessica Tardif

Norbert F. Ajeawung

Aslihan Tolun

Mark Corbett

Jozef Gecz

Zaid Afawi

Katherine B. Howell

Karen L. Oliver

Samuel F. Berkovic

Ingrid E. Scheffer

Fabrizio A. de Falco

Peter L. Oliver

Pasquale Striano

Federico Zara

Phillipe M. Campeau

S.M. Sisodiya


Objective: To evaluate the phenotypic spectrum associated with mutations in TBC1D24.

Methods: We acquired new clinical, EEG, and neuroimaging data of 11 previously unreported and 37 published patients. TBC1D24 mutations, identified through various sequencing methods, can be found online (

Results: Forty-eight patients were included (28 men, 20 women, average age 21 years) from 30 independent families. Eighteen patients (38%) had myoclonic epilepsies. The other patients carried diagnoses of focal (25%), multifocal (2%), generalized (4%), and unclassified epilepsy (6%), and early-onset epileptic encephalopathy (25%). Most patients had drug-resistant epilepsy. We detail EEG, neuroimaging, developmental, and cognitive features, treatment responsiveness, and physical examination. In silico evaluation revealed 7 different highly conserved motifs, with the most common pathogenic mutation located in the first. Neuronal outgrowth assays showed that some TBC1D24 mutations, associated with the most severe TBC1D24-associated disorders, are not necessarily the most disruptive to this gene function.

Conclusions: TBC1D24-related epilepsy syndromes show marked phenotypic pleiotropy, with multisystem involvement and severity spectrum ranging from isolated deafness (not studied here), benign myoclonic epilepsy restricted to childhood with complete seizure control and normal intellect, to early-onset epileptic encephalopathy with severe developmental delay and early death. There is no distinct correlation with mutation type or location yet, but patterns are emerging. Given the phenotypic breadth observed, TBC1D24 mutation screening is indicated in a wide variety of epilepsies. A TBC1D24 consortium was formed to develop further research on this gene and its associated phenotypes.


Balestrini, S., Milh, M., Castiglioni, C., Lüthy, K., Verstreken, P., Cardon, A., Stražišar, B. G., Holder, J. L., Lesca, G., Mancardi, M. M., Finelli, M. J., Poulat, A. L., Repetto, G. M., Banka, S., Bilo, L., Birkeland, L. E., Bosch, F., Brockmann, K., Cross, J. H., Doummar, D., …Sisodiya, S. (2016). TBC1D24 genotype–phenotype correlation: Epilepsies and other neurologic features. Neurology, 87(1), 77-85.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 28, 2016
Online Publication Date Jun 8, 2016
Publication Date Jul 5, 2016
Deposit Date Jul 25, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jul 27, 2021
Journal Neurology
Print ISSN 0028-3878
Electronic ISSN 1526-632X
Publisher American Academy of Neurology
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 87
Issue 1
Pages 77-85
Keywords Clinical Neurology
Public URL
Publisher URL


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