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Research trends and future perspectives in marine biomimicking robotics

Aguzzi, Jacopo; Costa, Corrado; Calisti, Marcello; Funari, Valerio; Stefanni, Sergio; Danovaro, Roberto; Gomes, Helena I.; Vecchi, Fabrizio; Dartnell, Lewis R.; Weiss, Peter; Nowak, Kathrin; Chatzievangelou, Damianos; Marini, Simone

Research trends and future perspectives in marine biomimicking robotics Thumbnail


Jacopo Aguzzi

Corrado Costa

Marcello Calisti

Valerio Funari

Sergio Stefanni

Roberto Danovaro

Fabrizio Vecchi

Lewis R. Dartnell

Peter Weiss

Kathrin Nowak

Damianos Chatzievangelou

Simone Marini


Mechatronic and soft robotics are taking inspiration from the animal kingdom to create new high-performance robots. Here, we focused on marine biomimetic research and used innovative bibliographic statistics tools, to highlight established and emerging knowledge domains. A total of 6980 scientific publications retrieved from the Scopus database (1950-2020), evidencing a sharp research increase in 2003-2004. Clustering analysis of countries collaborations showed two major Asian-North America and European clusters. Three significant areas appeared: (i) energy provision, whose advancement mainly relies on microbial fuel cells, (ii) biomaterials for not yet fully operational soft-robotic solutions; and finally (iii), design and control, chiefly oriented to locomotor designs. In this scenario, marine biomimicking robotics still lacks solutions for the long-lasting energy provision, which presently hinders operation autonomy. In the research environment, identifying natural processes by which living organisms obtain energy is thus urgent to sustain energy-demanding tasks while, at the same time, the natural designs must increasingly inform to optimize energy consumption.


Aguzzi, J., Costa, C., Calisti, M., Funari, V., Stefanni, S., Danovaro, R., Gomes, H. I., Vecchi, F., Dartnell, L. R., Weiss, P., Nowak, K., Chatzievangelou, D., & Marini, S. (2021). Research trends and future perspectives in marine biomimicking robotics. Sensors, 21(11), Article 3778.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 27, 2021
Online Publication Date May 29, 2021
Publication Date Jun 1, 2021
Deposit Date Jun 1, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jun 1, 2021
Journal Sensors
Electronic ISSN 1424-8220
Publisher MDPI
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 21
Issue 11
Article Number 3778
Keywords Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Analytical Chemistry; Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics; Biochemistry
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