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Impact of gastrointestinal tract variability on oral drug absorption and pharmacokinetics: An UNGAP review

Vinarov, Zahari; Abdallah, Mohammad; Agundez, Jos� A.G.; Allegaert, Karel; Basit, Abdul W.; Braeckmans, Marlies; Ceulemans, Jens; Corsetti, Maura; Griffin, Brendan T.; Grimm, Michael; Keszthelyi, Daniel; Koziolek, Mirko; Madla, Christine M.; Matthys, Christophe; McCoubrey, Laura E.; Mitra, Amitava; Reppas, Christos; Stappaerts, Jef; Steenackers, Nele; Trevaskis, Natalie L.; Vanuytsel, Tim; Vertzoni, Maria; Weitschies, Werner; Wilson, Clive; Augustijns, Patrick

Impact of gastrointestinal tract variability on oral drug absorption and pharmacokinetics: An UNGAP review Thumbnail


Zahari Vinarov

Mohammad Abdallah

Jos� A.G. Agundez

Karel Allegaert

Abdul W. Basit

Marlies Braeckmans

Jens Ceulemans

Brendan T. Griffin

Michael Grimm

Daniel Keszthelyi

Mirko Koziolek

Christine M. Madla

Christophe Matthys

Laura E. McCoubrey

Amitava Mitra

Christos Reppas

Jef Stappaerts

Nele Steenackers

Natalie L. Trevaskis

Tim Vanuytsel

Maria Vertzoni

Werner Weitschies

Clive Wilson

Patrick Augustijns


The absorption of oral drugs is frequently plagued by significant variability with potentially serious therapeutic consequences. The source of variability can be traced back to interindividual variability in physiology, differences in special populations (age- and disease-dependent), drug and formulation properties, or food-drug interactions. Clinical evidence for the impact of some of these factors on drug pharmacokinetic variability is mounting: e.g. gastric pH and emptying time, small intestinal fluid properties, differences in pediatrics and the elderly, and surgical changes in gastrointestinal anatomy. However, the link of colonic factors variability (transit time, fluid composition, microbiome), sex differences (male vs. female) and gut-related diseases (chronic constipation, anorexia and cachexia) to drug absorption variability has not been firmly established yet. At the same time, a way to decrease oral drug pharmacokinetic variability is provided by the pharmaceutical industry: clinical evidence suggests that formulation approaches employed during drug development can decrease the variability in oral exposure. This review outlines the main drivers of oral drug exposure variability and potential approaches to overcome them, while highlighting existing knowledge gaps and guiding future studies in this area.


Vinarov, Z., Abdallah, M., Agundez, J. A., Allegaert, K., Basit, A. W., Braeckmans, M., Ceulemans, J., Corsetti, M., Griffin, B. T., Grimm, M., Keszthelyi, D., Koziolek, M., Madla, C. M., Matthys, C., McCoubrey, L. E., Mitra, A., Reppas, C., Stappaerts, J., Steenackers, N., Trevaskis, N. L., …Augustijns, P. (2021). Impact of gastrointestinal tract variability on oral drug absorption and pharmacokinetics: An UNGAP review. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 162, Article 105812.

Journal Article Type Review
Acceptance Date Mar 16, 2021
Online Publication Date Mar 20, 2021
Publication Date Jul 1, 2021
Deposit Date Apr 10, 2021
Publicly Available Date Apr 21, 2021
Journal European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 162
Article Number 105812
Public URL
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