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Meiosis and beyond – understanding the mechanistic and evolutionary processes shaping the germline genome

Bergero, Roberta; Ellis, Peter; Haerty, Wilfried; Larcombe, Lee; Macaulay, Iain; Mehta, Tarang; Mogensen, Mette; Murray, David; Nash, Will; Neale, Matthew J.; O'Connor, Rebecca; Ottolini, Christian; Peel, Ned; Ramsey, Luke; Skinner, Ben; Suh, Alexander; Summers, Michael; Sun, Yu; Tidy, Alison; Rahbari, Raheleh; Rathje, Claudia; Immler, Simone

Meiosis and beyond – understanding the mechanistic and evolutionary processes shaping the germline genome Thumbnail


Roberta Bergero

Peter Ellis

Wilfried Haerty

Lee Larcombe

Iain Macaulay

Tarang Mehta

Mette Mogensen

David Murray

Will Nash

Matthew J. Neale

Rebecca O'Connor

Christian Ottolini

Ned Peel

Luke Ramsey

Ben Skinner

Alexander Suh

Michael Summers

Yu Sun

Raheleh Rahbari

Claudia Rathje

Simone Immler


The separation of germ cell populations from the soma is part of the evolutionary transition to multicellularity. Only genetic information present in the germ cells will be inherited by future generations, and any molecular processes affecting the germline genome are therefore likely to be passed on. Despite its prevalence across taxonomic kingdoms, we are only starting to understand details of the underlying micro‐evolutionary processes occurring at the germline genome level. These include segregation, recombination, mutation and selection and can occur at any stage during germline differentiation and mitotic germline proliferation to meiosis and post‐meiotic gamete maturation. Selection acting on germ cells at any stage from the diploid germ cell to the haploid gametes may cause significant deviations from Mendelian inheritance and may be more widespread than previously assumed. The mechanisms that affect and potentially alter the genomic sequence and allele frequencies in the germline are pivotal to our understanding of heritability. With the rise of new sequencing technologies, we are now able to address some of these unanswered questions. In this review, we comment on the most recent developments in this field and identify current gaps in our knowledge.


Bergero, R., Ellis, P., Haerty, W., Larcombe, L., Macaulay, I., Mehta, T., Mogensen, M., Murray, D., Nash, W., Neale, M. J., O'Connor, R., Ottolini, C., Peel, N., Ramsey, L., Skinner, B., Suh, A., Summers, M., Sun, Y., Tidy, A., Rahbari, R., …Immler, S. (2021). Meiosis and beyond – understanding the mechanistic and evolutionary processes shaping the germline genome. Biological Reviews, 96(3), 822-841.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 15, 2020
Online Publication Date Jan 1, 2021
Publication Date Jun 1, 2021
Deposit Date Jan 8, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jan 8, 2021
Journal Biological Reviews
Print ISSN 1464-7931
Electronic ISSN 1469-185X
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 96
Issue 3
Pages 822-841
Keywords General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Bergero, R., Ellis, P., Haerty, W., Larcombe, L., Macaulay, I., Mehta, T., Mogensen, M., Murray, D., Nash, W., Neale, M. J., O’Connor, R., Ottolini, C., Peel, N., Ramsey, L., Skinner, B., Suh, A., Summers, M., Sun, Y., Tidy, A., … Immler, S. (2021). Meiosis and beyond – understanding the mechanistic and evolutionary processes shaping the germline genome. Biological Reviews.


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