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Recommended core outcome instruments for health‐related quality of life, long‐term control and itch intensity in atopic eczema trials: results of the HOME VII consensus meeting

Thomas, K.S.; Apfelbacher, C.A.; Chalmers, J.R.; Simpson, E.; Spuls, P.I.; Gerbens, L.A.A.; Williams, HC; Schmitt, J.; Gabes, M.; Howells, L.; Stuart, B.L.; Grinich, E.; Pawlitschek, T.; Burton, T.; Howie, L.; Gadkari, A.; Eckert, L.; Ebata, T.; Boers, M.; Saeki, H.; Nakahara, T.; Katoh, N.

Recommended core outcome instruments for health‐related quality of life, long‐term control and itch intensity in atopic eczema trials: results of the HOME VII consensus meeting Thumbnail


C.A. Apfelbacher

J.R. Chalmers

E. Simpson

P.I. Spuls

L.A.A. Gerbens

J. Schmitt

M. Gabes

B.L. Stuart

E. Grinich

T. Pawlitschek

T. Burton

L. Howie

A. Gadkari

L. Eckert

T. Ebata

M. Boers

H. Saeki

T. Nakahara

N. Katoh


Background: The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative has established a core outcome set of domains for atopic eczema (AE) clinical trials. Previous consensus meetings have agreed on preferred instruments for clinician-reported signs (Eczema Area and Severity Index, EASI) and patient-reported symptoms (Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure, POEM). This paper reports consensus decisions from the HOME VII meeting. Objectives: To complete the core outcome set for AE by agreeing on core outcome instruments for the domains of quality of life (QoL), long-term control and itch intensity. Methods: A face-to-face consensus meeting was held in Tokyo, Japan (8–10 April 2019) including 75 participants (49 healthcare professionals/methodologists, 14 patients, 12 industry representatives) from 16 countries. Consensus decisions were made by presentations of evidence, followed by whole and small group discussions and anonymous voting using predefined consensus rules. Results: It was agreed by consensus that QoL should be measured using the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) for adults, the Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) for children and the Infant’s Dermatology Quality of Life Index (IDQoL) for infants. For long-term control, the Recap of Atopic Eczema (RECAP) instrument or the Atopic Dermatitis Control Test (ADCT) should be used. Consensus was not reached over the frequency of data collection for long-term control. The peak itch numerical rating scale (NRS)-11 past 24 h was recommended as an additional instrument for the symptom domain in trials of older children and adults. Agreement was reached that all core outcome instruments should be captured at baseline and at the time of primary outcome assessment as a minimum. Conclusions: For now, the core outcome set for clinical trials in AE is complete. The specified domains and instruments should be used in all new clinical trials and systematic reviews of eczema treatments.


Thomas, K., Apfelbacher, C., Chalmers, J., Simpson, E., Spuls, P., Gerbens, L., Williams, H., Schmitt, J., Gabes, M., Howells, L., Stuart, B., Grinich, E., Pawlitschek, T., Burton, T., Howie, L., Gadkari, A., Eckert, L., Ebata, T., Boers, M., Saeki, H., …Katoh, N. (2021). Recommended core outcome instruments for health‐related quality of life, long‐term control and itch intensity in atopic eczema trials: results of the HOME VII consensus meeting. British Journal of Dermatology, 185(1), 139-146.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 7, 2020
Online Publication Date Jan 4, 2021
Publication Date 2021-07
Deposit Date Nov 20, 2020
Publicly Available Date Jan 4, 2021
Journal British Journal of Dermatology
Print ISSN 0007-0963
Electronic ISSN 1365-2133
Publisher Oxford University Press (OUP)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 185
Issue 1
Pages 139-146
Keywords Dermatology
Public URL
Publisher URL


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