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Outputs (549)

The importance of central sensitization for clinical trials of Disease Modifying Osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs) (2025)
Journal Article
Walsh, D. A., & McWilliams, D. F. (2025). The importance of central sensitization for clinical trials of Disease Modifying Osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs). Osteoarthritis Imaging, 5(1), Article 100261.

Osteoarthritis (OA) pain is associated with structural changes in the joint, which are usually quantified by imaging techniques. It is anticipated that structural disease modifying OA drugs (DMOADs) would reduce the burden of OA pain. However, nocice... Read More about The importance of central sensitization for clinical trials of Disease Modifying Osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs).

Serum levels of hydroxylated metabolites of arachidonic acid cross-sectionally and longitudinally predict knee pain progression: an observational cohort study (2024)
Journal Article
Turnbull, J., Jha, R. R., Gowler, P. R., Ferrands-Bentley, R., Kim, D.-H., Barrett, D. A., Sarmanova, A., Fernandes, G. S., Doherty, M., Zhang, W., Walsh, D. A., Valdes, A. M., & Chapman, V. (2024). Serum levels of hydroxylated metabolites of arachidonic acid cross-sectionally and longitudinally predict knee pain progression: an observational cohort study. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 32(8), 990-1000.

Objective: To examine associations between serum oxylipins, which regulate tissue repair and pain signalling, and knee pain/radiographic osteoarthritis (OA) at baseline and knee pain at 3 year follow-up.

Method: Baseline, and 3 year follow-up, kne... Read More about Serum levels of hydroxylated metabolites of arachidonic acid cross-sectionally and longitudinally predict knee pain progression: an observational cohort study.

A Three-Dimensional Model of Bacterial Biofilms and Its Use in Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (2024)
Journal Article
Ali, H. R., Collier, P., & Bayston, R. (2024). A Three-Dimensional Model of Bacterial Biofilms and Its Use in Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. Microorganisms, 12(1), Article 203.

(1) Background: The discrepant antimicrobial susceptibility between planktonic and biofilm bacterial modes poses a problem for clinical microbiology laboratories and necessitates a relevant 3D experimental model allowing bacteria to grow in biofilm m... Read More about A Three-Dimensional Model of Bacterial Biofilms and Its Use in Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing.

Gut-joint axis in knee synovitis: gut fungal dysbiosis and altered fungi–bacteria correlation network identified in a community-based study (2023)
Journal Article
Jiang, T., Liu, K., Li, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, W., Doherty, M., Yang, Z., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Weng, Q., Luo, X., Xie, H., Li, C., Ai, K., Wei, J., Lei, G., & Zeng, C. (2023). Gut-joint axis in knee synovitis: gut fungal dysbiosis and altered fungi–bacteria correlation network identified in a community-based study. RMD Open, 9(4), Article e003529.

Objectives: Knee synovitis is a highly prevalent and potentially curable condition for knee pain; however, its pathogenesis remains unclear. We sought to assess the associations of the gut fungal microbiota and the fungi–bacteria correlation network... Read More about Gut-joint axis in knee synovitis: gut fungal dysbiosis and altered fungi–bacteria correlation network identified in a community-based study.

Healthcare utilisation and mortality in people with osteoarthritis in the UK: findings from a national primary care database. (2023)
Journal Article
Swain, S., Coupland, C., Sarmanova, A., Kuo, C. F., Mallen, C., Doherty, M., & Zhang, W. (2023). Healthcare utilisation and mortality in people with osteoarthritis in the UK: findings from a national primary care database. British Journal of General Practice, 73(733), e615-e622.

Background The burden of osteoarthritis (OA) in UK primary care has not been investigated thoroughly.

Aim To estimate healthcare use and mortality in people with OA (overall and joint specific).

Design and setting A matched cohort study of adul... Read More about Healthcare utilisation and mortality in people with osteoarthritis in the UK: findings from a national primary care database..

Effectiveness of spironolactone for women with acne vulgaris (SAFA) in England and Wales: pragmatic, multicentre, phase 3, double blind, randomised controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article
Santer, M., Lawrence, M., Renz, S., Eminton, Z., Stuart, B., Sach, T. H., Pyne, S., Ridd, M. J., Francis, N., Soulsby, I., Thomas, K., Permyakova, N., Little, P., Muller, I., Nuttall, J., Griffiths, G., Thomas, K. S., & Layton, A. M. (2023). Effectiveness of spironolactone for women with acne vulgaris (SAFA) in England and Wales: pragmatic, multicentre, phase 3, double blind, randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 381, Article e074349.

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of oral spironolactone for acne vulgaris in adult women.

Design: Pragmatic, multicentre, phase 3, double blind, randomised controlled trial.

Setting: Primary and secondary healthcare, and advertising in th... Read More about Effectiveness of spironolactone for women with acne vulgaris (SAFA) in England and Wales: pragmatic, multicentre, phase 3, double blind, randomised controlled trial.

Infections in Intracranial Pressure Management: Impact of New Technologies on Infection Rates (2023)
Book Chapter
Bayston, R. (2023). Infections in Intracranial Pressure Management: Impact of New Technologies on Infection Rates. In X. Lv (Ed.), Frontiers in Hydrocephalus. InTech.

It is now recognised that infections in CSF shunts and external ventricular drains (EVDs) are biofilm infections, and the scientific basis of these infections is better understood. Infection rates in shunts have now fallen but remain unacceptably hig... Read More about Infections in Intracranial Pressure Management: Impact of New Technologies on Infection Rates.

Serum Metabolome Analysis Identified Amino-Acid Metabolism Associated With Pain in People With Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis – A Cross-Sectional Study (2023)
Journal Article
Mehta, O., Vijay, A., Gohir, S. A., Kelly, T., Zhang, W., Doherty, M., Walsh, D. A., Aithal, G., & Valdes, A. M. (2023). Serum Metabolome Analysis Identified Amino-Acid Metabolism Associated With Pain in People With Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis – A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Pain,

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common arthritis affecting synovial joints such as knees and hips of millions of people globally. Usage-related joint pain and reduced function are the most common symptoms experienced by people with OA. To improve pai... Read More about Serum Metabolome Analysis Identified Amino-Acid Metabolism Associated With Pain in People With Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis – A Cross-Sectional Study.

Risk of liver fibrosis associated with long-term methotrexate therapy may be overestimated (2023)
Journal Article
Atallah, E., Grove, J., Crooks, C., Burden-Teh, E., Abhishek, A., Moreea, S., Jordan, K., Ala, A., Hutchinson, D., Aspinall, R. J., Murphy, R., & Aithal, G. (2023). Risk of liver fibrosis associated with long-term methotrexate therapy may be overestimated. Journal of Hepatology, 78(5), 989-997.

Background & Aims
The risk of significant liver fibrosis from prolonged methotrexate (MTX) exposure has been estimated at around 5%, prompting intensive monitoring strategies. However, the evidence is derived from retrospective studies that under-re... Read More about Risk of liver fibrosis associated with long-term methotrexate therapy may be overestimated.

Comparative efficacy of exercise therapy and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol for knee or hip osteoarthritis: a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (2023)
Journal Article
Weng, Q., Goh, S.-L., Wu, J., Persson, M. S., Wei, J., Sarmanova, A., Li, X., Hall, M., Doherty, M., Jiang, T., Zeng, C., Lei, G., & Zhang, W. (2023). Comparative efficacy of exercise therapy and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol for knee or hip osteoarthritis: a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 57(15), 990-996.

OBJECTIVE: Clinical guidelines recommend exercise as a core treatment for knee or hip osteoarthritis (OA). However, how its analgesic effect compares to analgesics, for example, oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and paracetamol-the... Read More about Comparative efficacy of exercise therapy and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol for knee or hip osteoarthritis: a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.