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Choice of faecal immunochemical test matters: comparison of OC-Sensor and HM-JACKarc, in the assessment of patients at high risk of colorectal cancer

Chapman, Caroline J; Banerjea, Ayan; Humes, David J; Allen, Jaren; Oliver, Simon; Ford, Abby; Hardy, Katie; Djedovic, Natasha; Logan, Richard F; Morling, Joanne R

Choice of faecal immunochemical test matters: comparison of OC-Sensor and HM-JACKarc, in the assessment of patients at high risk of colorectal cancer Thumbnail


Caroline J Chapman

Ayan Banerjea

Jaren Allen

Simon Oliver

Abby Ford

Katie Hardy

Natasha Djedovic

Richard F Logan


Objectives: Currently NICE recommends the use of faecal immunochemical test (FIT) at faecal haemoglobin concentrations (f-Hb) of 10 μg Hb/g faeces to stratify for colorectal cancer (CRC) risk in symptomatic populations. This f-Hb cut-off is advised across all analysers, despite the fact that a direct comparison of analyser performance, in a clinical setting, has not been performed.

Methods: Two specimen collection devices (OC-Sensor, OC-S; HM-JACKarc, HM-J) were sent to 914 consecutive individuals referred for follow up due to their increased risk of CRC. Agreement of f-Hb around cut-offs of 4, 10 and 150 µg Hb/g faeces and CRC detection rates were assessed. Two OC-S devices were sent to a further 114 individuals, for within test comparisons.

Results: 732 (80.1%) individuals correctly completed and returned two different FIT devices, with 38 (5.2%) CRCs detected. Median f-Hb for individuals diagnosed with and without CRC were 258.5 and 1.8 µg Hb/g faeces for OC-S and 318.1 and 1.0 µg Hb/g faeces for HM-J respectively.

Correlation of f-Hb results between OC-S/HM-J over the full range was rho=0.74, p[less than]0.001. Using a f-Hb of 4μg Hb/g faeces for both tests found an agreement of 88.1%, at 10μg Hb/g faeces 91.7% and at 150μg Hb/g faeces 96.3%.

114 individuals completed and returned two OC-S devices; correlation across the full range was rho=0.98, p[less than]0.001.

Conclusion: We found large variations in f-Hb when different FIT devices were used, but a smaller variation when the same FIT device was used. Our data suggest that analyser-specific f-Hb cut-offs are applied with regard to clinical decision making, especially at lower f-Hb.


Chapman, C. J., Banerjea, A., Humes, D. J., Allen, J., Oliver, S., Ford, A., Hardy, K., Djedovic, N., Logan, R. F., & Morling, J. R. (2021). Choice of faecal immunochemical test matters: comparison of OC-Sensor and HM-JACKarc, in the assessment of patients at high risk of colorectal cancer. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 59(4), 721-728.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 15, 2020
Online Publication Date Oct 29, 2020
Publication Date Mar 12, 2021
Deposit Date Oct 15, 2020
Publicly Available Date Oct 30, 2021
Journal Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM)
Print ISSN 1434-6621
Electronic ISSN 1437-4331
Publisher De Gruyter
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 59
Issue 4
Pages 721-728
Keywords bowel cancer; colorectal cancer; diagnostic accuracy; faecal immunochemical test (FIT); faecal haemoglobin; risk stratification; symptomatic
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