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Tackling challenges in care of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias amid the COVID‐19 pandemic, now and in the future

Mok, Vincent C.T.; Pendlebury, Sarah; Wong, Adrian; Alladi, Suvarna; Au, Lisa; Bath, Philip; Biessels, Geert Jan; Chen, Christopher; Cordonnier, Charlotte; Dichgans, Martin; Dominguez, Jacqueline; Gorelick, Philip B; Kim, SangYun; Kwok, Timothy; Greenberg, Steven M.; Jia, Jianping; Kalaria, Rajesh; Kivipelto, Miia; Naegandran, Kandiah; Lam, Linda C.W.; Lam, Bonnie Yin Ka; Lee, Allen T.C.; Markus, Hugh S.; O�Brien, John; Pai, Ming-Chyi; Pantoni, Leonardo; Sachdev, Perminder; Skoog, Ingmar; Smith, Eric E.; Srikanth, Velandai; Suh, Guk-Hee; Wardlaw, Joanna; Ko, Ho; Black, Sandra E.; Scheltens, Philip

Tackling challenges in care of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias amid the COVID‐19 pandemic, now and in the future Thumbnail


Vincent C.T. Mok

Sarah Pendlebury

Adrian Wong

Suvarna Alladi

Lisa Au

Geert Jan Biessels

Christopher Chen

Charlotte Cordonnier

Martin Dichgans

Jacqueline Dominguez

Philip B Gorelick

SangYun Kim

Timothy Kwok

Steven M. Greenberg

Jianping Jia

Rajesh Kalaria

Miia Kivipelto

Kandiah Naegandran

Linda C.W. Lam

Bonnie Yin Ka Lam

Allen T.C. Lee

Hugh S. Markus

John O�Brien

Ming-Chyi Pai

Leonardo Pantoni

Perminder Sachdev

Ingmar Skoog

Eric E. Smith

Velandai Srikanth

Guk-Hee Suh

Joanna Wardlaw

Ho Ko

Sandra E. Black

Philip Scheltens


We have provided an overview on the profound impact of COVID‐19 upon older people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and the challenges encountered in our management of dementia in different health‐care settings, including hospital, out‐patient, care homes, and the community during the COVID‐19 pandemic. We have also proposed a conceptual framework and practical suggestions for health‐care providers in tackling these challenges, which can also apply to the care of older people in general, with or without other neurological diseases, such as stroke or parkinsonism. We believe this review will provide strategic directions and set standards for health‐care leaders in dementia, including governmental bodies around the world in coordinating emergency response plans for protecting and caring for older people with dementia amid the COIVD‐19 outbreak, which is likely to continue at varying severity in different regions around the world in the medium term.


Mok, V. C., Pendlebury, S., Wong, A., Alladi, S., Au, L., Bath, P., Biessels, G. J., Chen, C., Cordonnier, C., Dichgans, M., Dominguez, J., Gorelick, P. B., Kim, S., Kwok, T., Greenberg, S. M., Jia, J., Kalaria, R., Kivipelto, M., Naegandran, K., Lam, L. C., …Scheltens, P. (2020). Tackling challenges in care of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias amid the COVID‐19 pandemic, now and in the future. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 16(11), 1571-1581.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 15, 2020
Online Publication Date Aug 12, 2020
Publication Date 2020-11
Deposit Date Jun 18, 2020
Publicly Available Date Aug 13, 2021
Journal Alzheimer's & Dementia
Electronic ISSN 1552-5279
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 16
Issue 11
Pages 1571-1581
Keywords Alzheimer's disease; COVID-19; dementia; older people
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Mok, VCT, Pendlebury, S, Wong, A, et al. Tackling challenges in care of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias amid the COVID‐19 pandemic, now and in the future. Alzheimer's Dement. 2020, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.


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