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Control of equine influenza: Scenario testing using a realistic metapopulation model of spread

Baguelin, M.; Newton, J.R.; Demiris, N.; Daly, J.; Mumford, J.A.; Wood, J.L.N.


M. Baguelin

J.R. Newton

N. Demiris

J.A. Mumford

J.L.N. Wood


We present a metapopulation model of the spread of equine influenza among thoroughbred horses parametrized with data from a 2003 outbreak in Newmarket, UK. The number of horses initially susceptible is derived from a threshold theorem and a published statistical model. Two simulated likelihood-based methods are used to find the within- and between-yard transmissions using both exponential and empirical latent and infectious periods. We demonstrate that the 2003 outbreak was largely locally driven and use the parametrized model to address important questions of control. The chance of a large epidemic is shown to be largely dependent on the size of the index yard. The impact of poor responders to vaccination is estimated under different scenarios. A small proportion of poor responders strongly influences the efficiency of vaccine policies, which increases risk further when the vaccine and infecting strains differ following antigenic drift. Finally, the use of vaccinating in the face of an outbreak is evaluated at a global and individual management group level. The benefits for an individual horse trainer are found to be substantial, although this is influenced by the behaviour of other trainers.


Baguelin, M., Newton, J., Demiris, N., Daly, J., Mumford, J., & Wood, J. (2010). Control of equine influenza: Scenario testing using a realistic metapopulation model of spread. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 7(42),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 27, 2009
Online Publication Date Apr 1, 2009
Publication Date Jan 6, 2010
Deposit Date Mar 9, 2025
Journal Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Print ISSN 1742-5689
Electronic ISSN 1742-5662
Publisher The Royal Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 7
Issue 42
Public URL
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