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Assessment of the Posttunneling Safety Factor of Piles under Drained Soil Conditions

Marshall, Alec M.; Franza, Andrea; Jacobsz, Schalk W.

Assessment of the Posttunneling Safety Factor of Piles under Drained Soil Conditions Thumbnail


Andrea Franza

Schalk W. Jacobsz


The need to tunnel closely beneath piles is increasing due to the development of urban areas. This poses a risk to the stability and serviceability of overlying structures (e.g., buildings, piers, and piled embankments). The impact of tunneling on piles is usually assessed using a displacement threshold, yet this provides no information about the posttunneling pile safety factor. Knowledge of a pile’s safety factor under serviceability or extreme loading conditions is important, especially if future repurposing of the associated superstructure is a possibility. Tunneling can reduce the safety factor of a pile up to the point of geotechnical failure (i.e., when the pile capacity reduces to that of the applied load), yet little guidance is available to enable a straightforward means of assessing the posttunneling safety factor of a pile. This paper aims to address this shortcoming by providing design charts based on an analytical tunnel-single pile interaction approach that provides a means of determining a posttunneling pile safety factor. The methodology and design charts are applicable to drained soil conditions and include for the effects of the initial pile safety factor, the pile installation method [displacement (driven and jacked), nondisplacement (bored) with only the shaft capacity, and nondisplacement with base and shaft capacity] and varying water table depths. In the paper, as a validation exercise, analytical predictions are compared against data from geotechnical centrifuge tests designed to model both displacement and nondisplacement piles in sands, including a variety of tunnel–pile relative locations and initial pile safety factors. For a specified design value of a posttunneling pile safety factor, the design charts enable a quick assessment of the safe location of a pile or a tolerable tunnel volume loss considering ground parameters, water table position, pile installation method, and initial safety factor.


Marshall, A. M., Franza, A., & Jacobsz, S. W. (2020). Assessment of the Posttunneling Safety Factor of Piles under Drained Soil Conditions. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(9), Article 04020097.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 15, 2020
Online Publication Date Jul 15, 2020
Publication Date Sep 1, 2020
Deposit Date May 13, 2020
Publicly Available Date Jul 15, 2020
Journal Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Print ISSN 1090-0241
Electronic ISSN 1943-5606
Publisher American Society of Civil Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 146
Issue 9
Article Number 04020097
Keywords Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology; General Environmental Science
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Received: 2018-10-29; Accepted: 2020-05-15; Published: 2020-07-15


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