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Investigation of antihypertensive class, dementia, and cognitive decline: A meta-analysis

Rockwood, Kenneth; Peters, Ruth; Yasar, Sevil; Anderson, Craig S.; Andrews, Shea; Antikainen, Riitta; Arima, Hisatomi; Beckett, Nigel; Beer, Joanne C.; Bertens, Anne Suzanne; Booth, Andrew; van Boxtel, Martin; Brayne, Carol; Brodaty, Henry; Carlson, Michelle C.; Chalmers, John; Corrada, Maria; DeKosky, Steven; Derby, Carol; Dixon, Roger A.; Forette, Fran?oise; Ganguli, Mary; van Gool, Willem A.; Guaita, Antonio; Hever, Ann M.; Hogan, David B.; Jagger, Carol; Katz, Mindy; Kawas, Claudia; Kehoe, Patrick G.; Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, Sirkka; Kenny, Rose Ann; K?hler, Sebastian; Kunutsor, Setor K.; Laukkanen, Jari; Maxwell, Colleen; McFall, G. Peggy; van Middelaar, Tessa; Moll van Charante, Eric P.; Ng, Tze-Pin; Peters, Jean; Rawtaer, Iris; Richard, Edo; Ryd?n, Lina; Sachdev, Perminder S.; Skoog, Ingmar; Skoog, Johan; Staessen, Jan A.; Stephan, Blossom C.M.; Sebert, Sylvain; Thijs, Lutgarde; Trompet, Stella; Tully, Phillip J.; Tzourio, Christophe; Vaccaro, Roberta; Vaaramo, Eeva; Walsh, Erin;...


Kenneth Rockwood

Ruth Peters

Sevil Yasar

Craig S. Anderson

Shea Andrews

Riitta Antikainen

Hisatomi Arima

Nigel Beckett

Joanne C. Beer

Anne Suzanne Bertens

Andrew Booth

Martin van Boxtel

Carol Brayne

Henry Brodaty

Michelle C. Carlson

John Chalmers

Maria Corrada

Steven DeKosky

Carol Derby

Roger A. Dixon

Fran�oise Forette

Mary Ganguli

Willem A. van Gool

Antonio Guaita

Ann M. Hever

David B. Hogan

Carol Jagger

Mindy Katz

Claudia Kawas

Patrick G. Kehoe

Sirkka Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi

Rose Ann Kenny

Sebastian K�hler

Setor K. Kunutsor

Jari Laukkanen

Colleen Maxwell

G. Peggy McFall

Tessa van Middelaar

Eric P. Moll van Charante

Tze-Pin Ng

Jean Peters

Iris Rawtaer

Edo Richard

Lina Ryd�n

Perminder S. Sachdev

Ingmar Skoog

Johan Skoog

Jan A. Staessen

Blossom C.M. Stephan

Sylvain Sebert

Lutgarde Thijs

Stella Trompet

Phillip J. Tully

Christophe Tzourio

Roberta Vaccaro

Eeva Vaaramo

Erin Walsh

Jane Warwick

Kaarin J. Anstey


Objective High blood pressure is one of the main modifiable risk factors for dementia. However, there is conflicting evidence regarding the best antihypertensive class for optimizing cognition. Our objective was to determine whether any particular antihypertensive class was associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline or dementia using comprehensive meta-analysis including reanalysis of original participant data.

Methods To identify suitable studies, MEDLINE, Embase, and PsycINFO and preexisting study consortia were searched from inception to December 2017. Authors of prospective longitudinal human studies or trials of antihypertensives were contacted for data sharing and collaboration. Outcome measures were incident dementia or incident cognitive decline (classified using the reliable change index method). Data were separated into mid and late-life (>65 years) and each antihypertensive class was compared to no treatment and to treatment with other antihypertensives. Meta-analysis was used to synthesize data.

Results Over 50,000 participants from 27 studies were included. Among those aged >65 years, with the exception of diuretics, we found no relationship by class with incident cognitive decline or dementia. Diuretic use was suggestive of benefit in some analyses but results were not consistent across follow-up time, comparator group, and outcome. Limited data precluded meaningful analyses in those ≤65 years of age.


Rockwood, K., Peters, R., Yasar, S., Anderson, C. S., Andrews, S., Antikainen, R., Arima, H., Beckett, N., Beer, J. C., Bertens, A. S., Booth, A., van Boxtel, M., Brayne, C., Brodaty, H., Carlson, M. C., Chalmers, J., Corrada, M., DeKosky, S., Derby, C., Dixon, R. A., …Anstey, K. J. (2020). Investigation of antihypertensive class, dementia, and cognitive decline: A meta-analysis. Neurology, 94(3), e267-e281.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 15, 2019
Online Publication Date Dec 11, 2019
Publication Date Jan 21, 2020
Deposit Date Mar 5, 2020
Journal Neurology
Print ISSN 0028-3878
Electronic ISSN 1526-632X
Publisher American Academy of Neurology
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 94
Issue 3
Pages e267-e281
Public URL
Publisher URL

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