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Experimenting with Nomadic Posthumanism: Conceptualising Education and Rural Learning Ecologies Differently

Kruger, Frans



This exploratory article is a thought experiment in thinking differently about education and rural learning ecologies. The wording of the concept rural learning ecologies suggests culture-nature interplay. Underlying this interplay is a logic of thought that posits the human opposite of that which it is not – nature. In this relationship the power to direct and dissect is always skewed towards (human) culture because of the humanist position from which learning ecologies are conceptualised, observed, made sense of and enacted. Drawing on the works of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari I experiment with an alternative understanding of the culture-nature relationship in order to explore the ‘lines of escape’ this offers to conceptualise education differently. I do this through engaging with nomadic posthumanism which treats subjectivity as a continuous process of becoming that is produced in ‘assemblages’ (agencement). Reclaiming the materiality of relations through such an understanding of the subject makes possible the creation of different forms of education and collective (educational) practices.


Kruger, F. (2015). Experimenting with Nomadic Posthumanism: Conceptualising Education and Rural Learning Ecologies Differently. Alternation, 22(Special Edition 16), 329-345

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2015
Deposit Date Sep 2, 2024
Print ISSN 1023-1757
Electronic ISSN 2519-5476
Publisher CSSALL Publishers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 22
Issue Special Edition 16
Pages 329-345
Keywords assemblages, becoming, difference, nomadic subjectivity, posthumanism, rural learning ecologies
Public URL