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Most appropriate placement for people with dementia: individual experts' vs. expert groups' decisions in eight European countries

Saks, Kai; Tiit, Ene Margit; Verbeek, Hilde; Raamat, Katrin; Armolik, Angelika; Leibur, Jelena; Meyer, Gabriele; Zabalegui, Adelaida; Leino-Kilpi, Helena; Karlsson, Staffan; Soto, Maria; Tucker, Sue; Hamers, Jan P.H.; Afram, Basema; Beerens, Hanneke C.; Bleijlevens, Michel H.C.; Zwakhalen, Sandra M.G.; Ruwaard, Dirk; Ambergen, Ton; Hallberg, Ingalill Rahm; Emilsson, Ulla Melin; Bokberg, Christina; Lethin, Connie; Challis, David; Sutcliffe, Caroline; Jolley, David; Bowns, Ian; Roe, Brenda; Burns, Alistair; Koskenniemi, Jaana; Suhonen, Riitta; Viitanen, Matti; Arve, Seija; Stolt, Minna; Hupli, Maija; Toivari, Teija Tuula Marjatta; Navarro, Montserrat; Cabrera, Esther; Risco, Ester; Alvira, Carme; Farre, Marta; Miguel, Susana; Milhet, Agathe; Sourdet, Sandrine; Gillette, Sophie; Vellas, Bruno


Kai Saks

Ene Margit Tiit

Hilde Verbeek

Katrin Raamat

Angelika Armolik

Jelena Leibur

Gabriele Meyer

Adelaida Zabalegui

Helena Leino-Kilpi

Staffan Karlsson

Maria Soto

Sue Tucker

Jan P.H. Hamers

Basema Afram

Hanneke C. Beerens

Michel H.C. Bleijlevens

Sandra M.G. Zwakhalen

Dirk Ruwaard

Ton Ambergen

Ingalill Rahm Hallberg

Ulla Melin Emilsson

Christina Bokberg

Connie Lethin

Caroline Sutcliffe

David Jolley

Ian Bowns

Brenda Roe

Alistair Burns

Jaana Koskenniemi

Riitta Suhonen

Matti Viitanen

Seija Arve

Minna Stolt

Maija Hupli

Teija Tuula Marjatta Toivari

Montserrat Navarro

Esther Cabrera

Ester Risco

Carme Alvira

Marta Farre

Susana Miguel

Agathe Milhet

Sandrine Sourdet

Sophie Gillette

Bruno Vellas


© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Aims: To investigate the extent of variability in individuals' and multidisciplinary groups' decisions about the most appropriate setting in which to support people with dementia in different European countries. Background: Professionals' views of appropriate care depend on care systems, cultural background and professional discipline. It is not known to what extent decisions made by individual experts and multidisciplinary groups coincide. Design: A modified nominal group approach was employed in eight countries (Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK) as part of the RightTimePlaceCare Project. Methods: Detailed vignettes about 14 typical case types of people with dementia were presented to experts in dementia care (n = 161) during November and December 2012. First, experts recorded their personal judgements about the most appropriate settings (home care, assisted living, care home, nursing home) in which to support each of the depicted individuals. Second, participants worked in small groups to reach joint decisions for the same vignettes. Results: Considerable variation was seen in individuals' recommendations for more than half the case types. Cognitive impairment, functional dependency, living situation and caregiver burden did not differentiate between case types generating high and low degrees of consensus. Group-based decisions were more consistent, but country-specific patterns remained. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary approach would standardize the decisions made about the care needed by people with dementia on the cusp of care home admission. The results suggest that certain individuals could be appropriately diverted from care home entry if suitable community services were available.


Saks, K., Tiit, E. M., Verbeek, H., Raamat, K., Armolik, A., Leibur, J., …Vellas, B. (2015). Most appropriate placement for people with dementia: individual experts' vs. expert groups' decisions in eight European countries. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(6), 1363-1377.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 6, 2014
Online Publication Date Oct 10, 2014
Publication Date 2015-06
Deposit Date Jul 15, 2020
Journal Journal of Advanced Nursing
Print ISSN 0309-2402
Electronic ISSN 1365-2648
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 71
Issue 6
Pages 1363-1377
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Authors on behalf of RightTimePlaceCare Consortium.