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Mild Hybridization of Turboprop Engine With High-Power-Density Integrated Electric Drives

Chen, Yuzheng; Yang, Tao; Khowja, Muhammad Raza; La Rocca, Antonino; Nasir, Usman; Chowdhury, Shajjad; Evans, Dean; Kember, Dafydd; Klonowski, Thomas; Arnaud, Yohan; Apostin, Lucie; Liger, Thierry; Cossart, Grégory; Vakil, Gaurang; Gerada, Chris; Bozhko, Serhiy; Detry, Sebastien; Diette, Christophe; Wheeler, Patrick


Yuzheng Chen

Antonino La Rocca

Usman Nasir

Shajjad Chowdhury

Dean Evans

Dafydd Kember

Thomas Klonowski

Yohan Arnaud

Lucie Apostin

Thierry Liger

Grégory Cossart

Sebastien Detry

Christophe Diette


This article shares with the aerospace community a case study of turboprop mild hybridization using a recently developed integrated drive system in the University of Nottingham, U.K., within the ACHIEVE project under EU H2020 CleanSky 2 program (project No. 737814). The developed drive system enables the green taxiing of a turboprop aircraft while on the ground with its engine OFF and as an electrical generator when the turboprop is in the air. The entire system is designed to be able to integrate within the power auxiliary gearbox (PAGB) of a turboprop aircraft. Some of the key features of the developed system include a high-speed permanent magnet machine (up to 14200 rpm) with a dual-three-phase design, silicon carbide (SiC)-based high power density (11.8 kW/L for the power converter, and 35.3 kW/L and 7.2 kW/kg for the machine active parts), integrated cooling design for high-temperature operation ( >130 ∘C ambient temperature), fault tolerance consideration with dual-channel operation capabilities, and sensorless control for entire operational conditions. This article is giving an overview of the design process of the electrical machine, power converters, and the cooling of the entire drive. The numerical analysis [finite element method (FEM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)] and some experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and the desired performance of the developed integrated drive system.


Chen, Y., Yang, T., Khowja, M. R., La Rocca, A., Nasir, U., Chowdhury, S., Evans, D., Kember, D., Klonowski, T., Arnaud, Y., Apostin, L., Liger, T., Cossart, G., Vakil, G., Gerada, C., Bozhko, S., Detry, S., Diette, C., & Wheeler, P. (2022). Mild Hybridization of Turboprop Engine With High-Power-Density Integrated Electric Drives. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 8(4), 4148-4162.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 7, 2022
Online Publication Date Mar 16, 2022
Publication Date 2022-12
Deposit Date Nov 19, 2024
Journal IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Electronic ISSN 2332-7782
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Issue 4
Pages 4148-4162
Public URL
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