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Classical BSE dismissed as the cause of CWD in Norwegian red deer despite strain similarities between both prion agents

Marín-Moreno, Alba; Benestad, Sylvie L.; Barrio, Tomas; Pirisinu, Laura; Espinosa, Juan Carlos; Tran, Linh; Huor, Alvina; Di Bari, Michele Angelo; Eraña, Hasier; Maddison, Ben C.; D'Agostino, Claudia; Fernández-Borges, Natalia; Canoyra, Sara; Jerez-Garrido, Nuria; Castilla, Joaquín; Spiropoulos, John; Bishop, Keith; Gough, Kevin C.; Nonno, Romolo; Våge, Jorn; Andréoletti, Olivier; Torres, Juan María

Classical BSE dismissed as the cause of CWD in Norwegian red deer despite strain similarities between both prion agents Thumbnail


Alba Marín-Moreno

Sylvie L. Benestad

Tomas Barrio

Laura Pirisinu

Juan Carlos Espinosa

Linh Tran

Alvina Huor

Michele Angelo Di Bari

Hasier Eraña

Ben C. Maddison

Claudia D'Agostino

Natalia Fernández-Borges

Sara Canoyra

Nuria Jerez-Garrido

Joaquín Castilla

John Spiropoulos

Keith Bishop

Romolo Nonno

Jorn Våge

Olivier Andréoletti

Juan María Torres


The first case of CWD in a Norwegian red deer was detected by a routine ELISA test and confirmed by western blotting and immunohistochemistry in the brain stem of the animal. Two different western blotting tests were conducted independently in two different laboratories, showing that the red deer glycoprofile was different from the Norwegian CWD reindeer and CWD moose and from North American CWD. The isolate showed nevertheless features similar to the classical BSE (BSE-C) strain. Furthermore, BSE-C could not be excluded based on the PrPSc immunohistochemistry staining in the brainstem and the absence of detectable PrPSc in the lymphoid tissues. Because of the known ability of BSE-C to cross species barriers as well as its zoonotic potential, the CWD red deer isolate was submitted to the EURL Strain Typing Expert Group (STEG) as a BSE-C suspect for further investigation. In addition, different strain typing in vivo and in vitro strategies aiming at identifying the BSE-C strain in the red deer isolate were performed independently in three research groups and BSE-C was not found in it. These results suggest that the Norwegian CWD red deer case was infected with a previously unknown CWD type and further investigation is needed to determine the characteristics of this potential new CWD strain.


Marín-Moreno, A., Benestad, S. L., Barrio, T., Pirisinu, L., Espinosa, J. C., Tran, L., Huor, A., Di Bari, M. A., Eraña, H., Maddison, B. C., D'Agostino, C., Fernández-Borges, N., Canoyra, S., Jerez-Garrido, N., Castilla, J., Spiropoulos, J., Bishop, K., Gough, K. C., Nonno, R., Våge, J., …Torres, J. M. (2024). Classical BSE dismissed as the cause of CWD in Norwegian red deer despite strain similarities between both prion agents. Veterinary Research, 55, Article 62.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 16, 2024
Online Publication Date May 15, 2024
Publication Date May 15, 2024
Deposit Date May 17, 2024
Publicly Available Date May 17, 2024
Journal Veterinary research
Print ISSN 0928-4249
Electronic ISSN 1297-9716
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 55
Article Number 62
Keywords Prion; chronic wasting disease; CWD; bovine spongiform encephalopathy; BSE; phenotypical convergence; prion strain; species barrier
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