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The Exeter Activity Unlimited statement on physical activity and exercise for cystic fibrosis: methodology and results of an international, multidisciplinary, evidence-driven expert consensus

Williams, Craig; Barker, Alan R; Denford, Sarah; Van Beurden, Samantha B; Bianchim, Mayara S; Caterini, Jessica E; Cox, Narelle S; Mackintosh, Kelly A; McNarry, Melitta A; Rand, Sarah; Schneiderman, Jane E; Wells, Greg D; Anderson, Peter; Beever, Daniel; Beverly, Z; Buckley, Ronan; Button, Brenda; Causer, Adam J; Curran, Maire; Dwyer, Tiffany J; Gordon, Warren; Greuet, Mathiey; Harris, Ryan A; Hatziagorou, Elpis; Hulzebos, HJ (Erik); Kampouras, Asterios; Morrison, Lisa; Cámara, Marietta N; Reilly, Clare M; Sawyer, Abbey; Saynor, Zoe L; Shelley, James; Spencer, Grace; Stanford, Gemma E; Urquhart, Don S; Young, Rachel; Tomlinson, Owen W


Craig Williams

Alan R Barker

Sarah Denford

Samantha B Van Beurden

Mayara S Bianchim

Jessica E Caterini

Narelle S Cox

Kelly A Mackintosh

Melitta A McNarry

Sarah Rand

Jane E Schneiderman

Greg D Wells

Peter Anderson

Z Beverly

Ronan Buckley

Brenda Button

Adam J Causer

Maire Curran

Tiffany J Dwyer

Warren Gordon

Mathiey Greuet

Ryan A Harris

Elpis Hatziagorou

HJ (Erik) Hulzebos

Asterios Kampouras

Lisa Morrison

Marietta N Cámara

Clare M Reilly

Abbey Sawyer

Zoe L Saynor

James Shelley

Grace Spencer

Gemma E Stanford

Don S Urquhart

Rachel Young

Owen W Tomlinson


The roles of physical activity (PA) and exercise within the management of cystic fibrosis (CF) are recognised by their inclusion in numerous standards of care and treatment guidelines. However, information is brief, and both PA and exercise as multi-faceted behaviours require extensive stakeholder input when developing and promoting such guidelines.

On 30th June and 1st July 2021, 39 stakeholders from 11 countries, including researchers, healthcare professionals and patients participated in a virtual conference to agree an evidence-based and informed expert consensus about PA and exercise for people with CF. This consensus presents the agreement across six themes: (i) patient and system centred outcomes, (ii) health benefits, iii) measurement, (iv) prescription, (v) clinical considerations, and (vi) future directions. The consensus was achieved by a stepwise process, involving: (i) written evidence-based synopses; (ii) peer critique of synopses; (iii) oral presentation to consensus group and peer challenge of revised synopses; and (iv) anonymous voting on final proposed synopses for adoption to the consensus statement.

The final consensus document includes 24 statements which surpassed the consensus threshold (>80% agreement) out of 30 proposed statements.

This consensus can be used to support health promotion by relevant stakeholders for people with CF.


Williams, C., Barker, A. R., Denford, S., Van Beurden, S. B., Bianchim, M. S., Caterini, J. E., Cox, N. S., Mackintosh, K. A., McNarry, M. A., Rand, S., Schneiderman, J. E., Wells, G. D., Anderson, P., Beever, D., Beverly, Z., Buckley, R., Button, B., Causer, A. J., Curran, M., Dwyer, T. J., …Tomlinson, O. W. (2022). The Exeter Activity Unlimited statement on physical activity and exercise for cystic fibrosis: methodology and results of an international, multidisciplinary, evidence-driven expert consensus. Chronic Respiratory Disease, 19,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 6, 2022
Online Publication Date Sep 6, 2022
Publication Date 2022
Deposit Date Apr 12, 2024
Publicly Available Date Apr 18, 2024
Journal Chronic Respiratory Disease
Print ISSN 1479-9723
Electronic ISSN 1479-9731
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 19
Public URL
Publisher URL
PMID 36068015


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