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The development and internal pilot trial of a digital physical activity and emotional well-being intervention (Kidney BEAM) for people with chronic kidney disease

Young, Hannah M. L.; Castle, Ellen M.; Briggs, Juliet; Walklin, Christy; Billany, Roseanne E.; Asgari, Elham; Bhandari, Sunil; Bishop, Nicolette; Bramham, Kate; Burton, James O.; Campbell, Jackie; Chilcot, Joseph; Cooper, Nicola; Deelchand, Vashist; Graham-Brown, Matthew P. M.; Haggis, Lynda; Hamilton, Alexander; Jesky, Mark; Kalra, Philip A.; Koufaki, Pelagia; Macdonald, Jamie; McCafferty, Kieran; Nixon, Andrew C.; Noble, Helen; Saynor, Zoe L.; Taal, Maarten W.; Tollitt, James; Wheeler, David C.; Wilkinson, Thomas J.; Greenwood, Sharlene A.

The development and internal pilot trial of a digital physical activity and emotional well-being intervention (Kidney BEAM) for people with chronic kidney disease Thumbnail


Hannah M. L. Young

Ellen M. Castle

Juliet Briggs

Christy Walklin

Roseanne E. Billany

Elham Asgari

Sunil Bhandari

Nicolette Bishop

Kate Bramham

James O. Burton

Jackie Campbell

Joseph Chilcot

Nicola Cooper

Vashist Deelchand

Matthew P. M. Graham-Brown

Lynda Haggis

Alexander Hamilton

Mark Jesky

Philip A. Kalra

Pelagia Koufaki

Jamie Macdonald

Kieran McCafferty

Andrew C. Nixon

Helen Noble

Zoe L. Saynor

James Tollitt

David C. Wheeler

Thomas J. Wilkinson

Sharlene A. Greenwood


This trial assessed the feasibility and acceptability of Kidney BEAM, a physical activity and emotional well-being self-management digital health intervention (DHI) for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD), which offers live and on-demand physical activity sessions, educational blogs and videos, and peer support. In this mixed-methods, multicentre randomised waitlist-controlled internal pilot, adults with established CKD were recruited from five NHS hospitals and randomised 1:1 to Kidney BEAM or waitlist control. Feasibility outcomes were based upon a priori progression criteria. Acceptability was primarily explored via individual semi-structured interviews (n = 15). Of 763 individuals screened, n = 519 (68%, 95% CI 65 to 71%) were eligible. Of those eligible, n = 303 (58%, 95% CI 54–63%) did not respond to an invitation to participate by the end of the pilot period. Of the 216 responders, 50 (23%, 95% CI 18–29%) consented. Of the 42 randomised, n = 22 (10 (45%) male; 49 ± 16 years; 14 (64%) White British) were allocated to Kidney BEAM and n = 20 (12 (55%) male; 56 ± 11 years; 15 (68%) White British) to the waitlist control group. Overall, n = 15 (30%, 95% CI 18–45%) withdrew during the pilot phase. Participants completed a median of 14 (IQR 5–21) sessions. At baseline, 90–100% of outcome data (patient reported outcome measures and a remotely conducted physical function test) were completed and 62–83% completed at 12 weeks follow-up. Interview data revealed that remote trial procedures were acceptable. Participants’ reported that Kidney BEAM increased their opportunity and motivation to be physically active, however, lack of time remained an ongoing barrier to engagement with the DHI. An randomised controlled trial of Kidney BEAM is feasible and acceptable, with adaptations to increase recruitment, retention and engagement. Trial registration NCT04872933. Date of first registration 05/05/2021.


Young, H. M. L., Castle, E. M., Briggs, J., Walklin, C., Billany, R. E., Asgari, E., Bhandari, S., Bishop, N., Bramham, K., Burton, J. O., Campbell, J., Chilcot, J., Cooper, N., Deelchand, V., Graham-Brown, M. P. M., Haggis, L., Hamilton, A., Jesky, M., Kalra, P. A., Koufaki, P., …Greenwood, S. A. (2024). The development and internal pilot trial of a digital physical activity and emotional well-being intervention (Kidney BEAM) for people with chronic kidney disease. Scientific Reports, 14, Article 700.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 20, 2023
Online Publication Date Jan 6, 2024
Publication Date Jan 6, 2024
Deposit Date Jan 9, 2024
Publicly Available Date Jan 9, 2024
Journal Scientific Reports
Electronic ISSN 2045-2322
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 14
Article Number 700
Public URL
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The development and internal pilot trial of a digital physical activity and emotional well-being intervention (Kidney BEAM) for people with chronic kidney disease (1.4 Mb)

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