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Move-It: A Cluster-Randomised Digital Worksite Exercise Intervention in China: Outcome and Process Evaluation

Blake, Holly; Lai, Betsy; Coman, Emil; Houdmont, Jonathan; Griffiths, Amanda

Move-It: A Cluster-Randomised Digital Worksite Exercise Intervention in China: Outcome and Process Evaluation Thumbnail


Betsy Lai

Emil Coman

Amanda Griffiths


We evaluate the outcomes and processes of a video and web-based worksite exercise intervention for sedentary office workers in China, in a 2-arm cluster-randomised wait-list control trial (n = 282: intervention (INT) n = 196 and wait-list control (WLC) n = 86). Eligible clusters were two sites of a major organisation in China randomly allocated to each group (INT: Guangzhou; WLC: Beijing); eligible participants were site employees (n = 690). A theoretically informed digital workplace intervention (Move-It) involving a 10 min Qigong exercise session (video demonstration via website) was delivered twice a day at set break times during the working day for 12 consecutive weeks. Individual-level outcomes were assessed. Participants’ physical activity increased significantly from baseline to post-intervention similarly in both the intervention and the control group. There was a significantly smaller increase in weekday sitting hours in intervention than controls (by 4.66 h/week), and work performance increased only in the control group. Process evaluation (including six focus groups) was conducted using the RE-AIM (reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance) framework. The intervention had wide reach and was successfully marketed to all employees with good uptake. The participatory approach increased perceived organisational support and enhanced adoption. The intervention was implemented broadly as planned. Qigong worksite exercise intervention can be successfully delivered to sedentary office workers in China using video and web-based platforms. It may increase physical activity and does not adversely affect perceived work performance. The study highlights the complexity of conducting health promotion research in real-world organisational settings.


Blake, H., Lai, B., Coman, E., Houdmont, J., & Griffiths, A. (2019). Move-It: A Cluster-Randomised Digital Worksite Exercise Intervention in China: Outcome and Process Evaluation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(18), 1-23.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 6, 2019
Online Publication Date Sep 17, 2019
Publication Date Sep 17, 2019
Deposit Date Sep 18, 2019
Publicly Available Date Sep 20, 2019
Journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Electronic ISSN 1660-4601
Publisher MDPI
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 16
Issue 18
Article Number 3451
Pages 1-23
Keywords Worksite; Exercise; Physical activity; Health promotion; Sedentary; Digital
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Sep 18, 2019


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