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Socio-economic factors, mood, primary care utilization, and quality of life as predictors of intervention cessation and chronic stress in a type 2 diabetes prevention intervention (PREVIEW Study)

Huttunen-Lenz, Maija; Raben, Anne; Adam, Tanja; Macdonald, Ian; Taylor, Moira A.; Stratton, Gareth; Mackintosh, Kelly; Martinez, J. Alfredo; Handjieva-Darlenska, Teodora; Bogdanov, Georgi Assenov; Poppitt, Sally D.; Silvestre, Marta P.; Fogelholm, Mikael; Jalo, Elli; Brand-Miller, Jennie; Muirhead, Roslyn; Schlicht, Wolfgang

Socio-economic factors, mood, primary care utilization, and quality of life as predictors of intervention cessation and chronic stress in a type 2 diabetes prevention intervention (PREVIEW Study) Thumbnail


Maija Huttunen-Lenz

Anne Raben

Tanja Adam

Ian Macdonald

Gareth Stratton

Kelly Mackintosh

J. Alfredo Martinez

Teodora Handjieva-Darlenska

Georgi Assenov Bogdanov

Sally D. Poppitt

Marta P. Silvestre

Mikael Fogelholm

Elli Jalo

Jennie Brand-Miller

Roslyn Muirhead

Wolfgang Schlicht


Background: Sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet combined with overweight are risk factors for type 2 diabetes (T2D). Lifestyle interventions with weight-loss are effective in T2D-prevention, but unsuccessful completion and chronic stress may hinder efficacy. Determinants of chronic stress and premature cessation at the start of the 3-year PREVIEW study were examined.

Methods: Baseline Quality of Life (QoL), social support, primary care utilization, and mood were examined as predictors of intervention cessation and chronic stress for participants aged 25 to 70 with prediabetes (n = 2,220). Moderating effects of sex and socio-economic status (SES) and independence of predictor variables of BMI were tested.

Results: Participants with children, women, and higher SES quitted intervention earlier than those without children, lower SES, and men. Lower QoL, lack of family support, and primary care utilization were associated with cessation. Lower QoL and higher mood disturbances were associated with chronic stress. Predictor variables were independent (p ≤ .001) from BMI, but moderated by sex and SES.

Conclusions: Policy-based strategy in public health should consider how preventive interventions may better accommodate different individual states and life situations, which could influence intervention completion. Intervention designs should enable in-built flexibility in delivery enabling response to individual needs. Trial registration: Identifier: NCT01777893.


Huttunen-Lenz, M., Raben, A., Adam, T., Macdonald, I., Taylor, M. A., Stratton, G., Mackintosh, K., Martinez, J. A., Handjieva-Darlenska, T., Bogdanov, G. A., Poppitt, S. D., Silvestre, M. P., Fogelholm, M., Jalo, E., Brand-Miller, J., Muirhead, R., & Schlicht, W. (2023). Socio-economic factors, mood, primary care utilization, and quality of life as predictors of intervention cessation and chronic stress in a type 2 diabetes prevention intervention (PREVIEW Study). BMC Public Health, 23(1), Article 1666.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 20, 2023
Online Publication Date Aug 30, 2023
Publication Date 2023
Deposit Date Nov 16, 2023
Publicly Available Date Nov 16, 2023
Journal BMC Public Health
Electronic ISSN 1471-2458
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 23
Issue 1
Article Number 1666
Keywords Adherence, Stress, Lifestyle, Quality of Life, Health Behaviors, Overweight, Diabetes Mellitus, Drop out, Prevention
Public URL
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