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Synthesis of a CFD benchmark exercise based on a test in the PANDA facility addressing the stratification erosion by a vertical jet in presence of a flow obstruction

Andreani, Michele; Gaikwad, Avinash J.; Ganju, Sunil; Gera, Bhuvaneshwar; Grigoryev, Sergey; Herranz, Luis Enrique; Huhtanen, Risto; Kale, Vivek; Kanaev, Anton; Kapulla, Ralf; Kelm, Stephan; Kim, Jongtae; Nishimura, Takeshi; Paladino, Domenico; Paranjape, Sidharth; Schramm, Berthold; Sharabi, Medhat; Shen, Feng; Wei, Bai; Yan, Daqiang; Zhang, Rongjin

Synthesis of a CFD benchmark exercise based on a test in the PANDA facility addressing the stratification erosion by a vertical jet in presence of a flow obstruction Thumbnail


Michele Andreani

Avinash J. Gaikwad

Sunil Ganju

Bhuvaneshwar Gera

Sergey Grigoryev

Luis Enrique Herranz

Risto Huhtanen

Vivek Kale

Anton Kanaev

Ralf Kapulla

Stephan Kelm

Jongtae Kim

Takeshi Nishimura

Domenico Paladino

Sidharth Paranjape

Berthold Schramm

Medhat Sharabi

Feng Shen

Bai Wei

Daqiang Yan

Rongjin Zhang


The benchmark exercise discussed in this paper was conducted within the OECD/NEA project HYMERES. The specific experiment in the PANDA facility chosen for the present benchmark addresses the stratification erosion in a vessel where the upper region contained initially a mixture of steam and helium, and the remaining volume was filled with steam. The mixing is induced by a vertical steam jet, which originates from the exit of a circular pipe located below the bottom of the helium-rich layer. The stratification erosion process is somewhat slowed down by a small circular plate above the jet source. The exercise consisted of a blind phase, and an open phase. Two sets of blind simulations were requested: one set obtained using a “common model”, and a second set produced by a “best estimate” model. For the “common model”, a list of recommendations was given, whereas for the “best estimate” model, each participant was free to choose the modelling approach. The submitted results for the erosion times were in a large band, and especially the large differences in the results with the “common model” were not expected. The results of the best estimate simulations showed that the combination of mesh and modelling approach can lead to a wide spread of results. The most important difficulty in interpreting the results and finding the reason of the large deviations was the lack of information on the velocity field downstream of the obstruction. Therefore, for the open phase extended data from auxiliary, “zero” tests (for similar conditions but without helium layer) were provided to the participants to permit a more basic validation of their models, using a “multi-step approach”. The step-by-step validation permitted some progress with respect to some of the items identified in the blind benchmark. However, large discrepancies with data in the final analyses of the test are observed, which cannot be easily attributed to specific model deficiencies or insufficient detail of the mesh. These results raised some questions in relation to best practice guidelines for the use of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) codes for containment analysis and indicated needs for further CFD-grade experiments.


Andreani, M., Gaikwad, A. J., Ganju, S., Gera, B., Grigoryev, S., Herranz, L. E., Huhtanen, R., Kale, V., Kanaev, A., Kapulla, R., Kelm, S., Kim, J., Nishimura, T., Paladino, D., Paranjape, S., Schramm, B., Sharabi, M., Shen, F., Wei, B., Yan, D., & Zhang, R. (2019). Synthesis of a CFD benchmark exercise based on a test in the PANDA facility addressing the stratification erosion by a vertical jet in presence of a flow obstruction. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 354, Article 110177.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 27, 2019
Online Publication Date Jul 30, 2019
Publication Date Dec 1, 2019
Deposit Date Aug 20, 2019
Publicly Available Date Jul 31, 2020
Journal Nuclear Engineering and Design
Print ISSN 0029-5493
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 354
Article Number 110177
Keywords Nuclear and High Energy Physics; Mechanical Engineering; Waste Management and Disposal; General Materials Science; Nuclear Energy and Engineering; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This article is maintained by: Elsevier; Article Title: Synthesis of a CFD benchmark exercise based on a test in the PANDA facility addressing the stratification erosion by a vertical jet in presence of a flow obstruction; Journal Title: Nuclear Engineering and Design; CrossRef DOI link to publisher maintained version:; Content Type: article; Copyright: © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Contract Date Aug 20, 2019


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