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Prognostic Role of Androgen Receptor in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: A Multi-Institutional Study

Bhattarai, Shristi; Klimov, Sergey; Mittal, Karuna; Krishnamurti, Uma; Li, Bill; Oprea-Ilies, Gabriela; Wetherilt, Ceyda Sonmez; Riaz, Ansa; Aleskandarany, Mohammad A.; Green, Andrew R.; Ellis, Ian O.; Cantuaria, Guilherme; Gupta, Meenakshi; Manne, Upender; Agboola, Johnson; Baskovich, Brett; Janssen, Emiel A.M.; Rakha, Emad; Callagy, Grace; Walsh, Elaine M.; Mehta, Anurag; Shet, Tanuja; Dogra, Atika; Gajaria, Pooja; Nggada, Haruna A.; Omonisi, Abidemi; Traina, Tiffany; Ahmed, Saad A.; Rida, Padmashree; Aneja, Ritu

Prognostic Role of Androgen Receptor in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: A Multi-Institutional Study Thumbnail


Shristi Bhattarai

Sergey Klimov

Karuna Mittal

Uma Krishnamurti

Bill Li

Gabriela Oprea-Ilies

Ceyda Sonmez Wetherilt

Ansa Riaz

Mohammad A. Aleskandarany

Guilherme Cantuaria

Meenakshi Gupta

Upender Manne

Johnson Agboola

Brett Baskovich

Emiel A.M. Janssen

Professor of Breast Cancer Pathology

Grace Callagy

Elaine M. Walsh

Anurag Mehta

Tanuja Shet

Atika Dogra

Pooja Gajaria

Haruna A. Nggada

Abidemi Omonisi

Tiffany Traina

Saad A. Ahmed

Padmashree Rida

Ritu Aneja


Background: Androgen Receptor (AR) has emerged as a potential therapeutic target for AR-positive triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). However, conflicting reports regarding AR’s prognostic role in TNBC are putting its usefulness in question. Some studies conclude that AR positivity indicates a good prognosis in TNBC whereas others suggest the opposite, and some show that AR status has no significant bearing on the patients’ prognosis. Methods: We evaluated the prognostic value of AR in resected primary tumors from TNBC patients from six international cohorts {US (n=420), UK (n=239), Norway (n=104), Ireland (n=222), Nigeria (n=180), and India (n=242); total n=1407}. All TNBC samples were stained with the same anti-AR antibody using the same immunohistochemistry protocol, and samples with ≥1% of AR-positive nuclei were deemed AR-positive TNBCs. Results: AR status shows population-specific patterns of association with patients’ overall survival after controlling for age, grade, population, and chemotherapy. We found AR-positive status to be a marker of good prognosis in US and Nigerian cohorts, a marker of poor prognosis in Norway, Ireland and Indian cohorts, and neutral in UK cohort. Conclusion: AR status, on its own, is not a reliable prognostic marker. More research to investigate molecular subtype composition among the different cohorts is warranted.


Bhattarai, S., Klimov, S., Mittal, K., Krishnamurti, U., Li, B., Oprea-Ilies, G., …Aneja, R. (2019). Prognostic Role of Androgen Receptor in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: A Multi-Institutional Study. Cancers, 11(7), Article 995.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 11, 2019
Online Publication Date Jun 17, 2019
Publication Date Jul 17, 2019
Deposit Date Aug 20, 2019
Publicly Available Date Jun 19, 2020
Journal Cancers
Electronic ISSN 2072-6694
Publisher MDPI
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 11
Issue 7
Article Number 995
Public URL
Publisher URL


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