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Alternative Magnesium Sulfate Dosing Regimens for Women With Preeclampsia: A Population Pharmacokinetic Exposure-Response Modeling and Simulation Study

Du, Lihong; Wenning, Larissa A.; Carvalho, Brendan; Duley, Lelia; Brookfield, Kathleen F.; Witjes, Han; de Greef, Rik; Lumbiganon, Pisake; Titapant, Vitaya; Kongwattanakul, Kiattisak; Long, Qian; Sangkomkamhang, Ussanee S.; Gulmezoglu, Ahmet M.; Oladapo, Olufemi T.

Alternative Magnesium Sulfate Dosing Regimens for Women With Preeclampsia: A Population Pharmacokinetic Exposure-Response Modeling and Simulation Study Thumbnail


Lihong Du

Larissa A. Wenning

Brendan Carvalho

Lelia Duley

Kathleen F. Brookfield

Han Witjes

Rik de Greef

Pisake Lumbiganon

Vitaya Titapant

Kiattisak Kongwattanakul

Qian Long

Ussanee S. Sangkomkamhang

Ahmet M. Gulmezoglu

Olufemi T. Oladapo


Magnesium sulfate is the anticonvulsant of choice for eclampsia prophylaxis and treatment; however, the recommended dosing regimens are costly and cumbersome and can be administered only by skilled health professionals. The objectives of this study were to develop a robust exposure-response model for the relationship between serum magnesium exposure and eclampsia using data from large studies of women with preeclampsia who received magnesium sulfate, and to predict eclampsia probabilities for standard and alternative (shorter treatment duration and/or fewer intramuscular injections) regimens. Exposure-response modeling and simulation were applied to existing data. A total of 10 280 women with preeclampsia who received magnesium sulfate or placebo were evaluated. An existing population pharmacokinetic model was used to estimate individual serum magnesium exposure. Logistic regression was applied to quantify the serum magnesium area under the curve-eclampsia rate relationship. Our exposure-response model-estimated eclampsia rates were comparable to observed rates. Several alternative regimens predicted magnesium peak concentration < 3.5 mmol/L (empiric safety threshold) and eclampsia rate ≤ 0.7% (observed response threshold), including 4 g intravenously plus 10 g intramuscularly followed by either 8 g intramuscularly every 6 hours × 3 doses or 10 g intramuscularly every 8 hours × 2 doses and 10 g intramuscularly every 8 hours × 3 doses. Several alternative magnesium sulfate regimens with comparable model-predicted efficacy and safety were identified that merit evaluation in confirmatory clinical trials.


Du, L., Wenning, L. A., Carvalho, B., Duley, L., Brookfield, K. F., Witjes, H., de Greef, R., Lumbiganon, P., Titapant, V., Kongwattanakul, K., Long, Q., Sangkomkamhang, U. S., Gulmezoglu, A. M., & Oladapo, O. T. (2019). Alternative Magnesium Sulfate Dosing Regimens for Women With Preeclampsia: A Population Pharmacokinetic Exposure-Response Modeling and Simulation Study. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 59(11), 1519-1526.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 9, 2019
Online Publication Date Jun 3, 2019
Publication Date Jun 3, 2019
Deposit Date Jun 25, 2019
Publicly Available Date Jun 27, 2019
Journal The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Print ISSN 0091-2700
Electronic ISSN 1552-4604
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 59
Issue 11
Pages 1519-1526
Keywords Eclampsia, Exposure-response, Magnesium sulfate, Population modeling, Preeclampsia
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Du, L. , Wenning, L. A., Carvalho, B. , Duley, L. , Brookfield, K. F., Witjes, H. , Greef, R. , Lumbiganon, P. , Titapant, V. , Kongwattanakul, K. , Long, Q. , Sangkomkamhang, U. S., Gülmezoglu, A. M. and Oladapo, O. T. (2019), Alternative Magnesium Sulfate Dosing Regimens for Women With Preeclampsia: A Population Pharmacokinetic Exposure‐Response Modeling and Simulation Study. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. doi:10.1002/jcph.1448, which has been published in final form at
. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Contract Date Jun 27, 2019


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