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Presentation and publication skills: How to develop a protocol and write a grant

Delzenne, Nathalie; Deutz, Nicolaas E.; Lobo, Dileep N.; Grimble, George

Presentation and publication skills: How to develop a protocol and write a grant Thumbnail


Nathalie Delzenne

Nicolaas E. Deutz

George Grimble


In this education paper, we want to give some advice to aid in successful scientific grant writing. Besides defining an important research hypothesis and how to support this hypothesis, there are also technical aspects in grant writing that need to be fulfilled. Therefore, read carefully the requirements before starting to write the proposal. You must also determine what skilled people, equipment and consumables are needed in order to reach your research goal. It is advised to develop a timeline with the key milestones (background, partnership, budget, writing, peer-evaluation, submission). Spend enough time on the summary, title and acronyms, in order to make them attractive to the reader. The research objectives must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Sensitive), not DUMB (Diverse, Unmeasurable, Mediocre and Basically-Unachievable). In the end, understand that also non-experts will review your grant and therefore they should be able to understand what your goals are, but also at the same time add sufficient details of your proposed methodology to convince the experts.


Delzenne, N., Deutz, N. E., Lobo, D. N., & Grimble, G. (2023). Presentation and publication skills: How to develop a protocol and write a grant. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 57, 73-76.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 12, 2023
Online Publication Date Jun 15, 2023
Publication Date 2023-10
Deposit Date Jun 12, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jun 16, 2024
Journal Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
Electronic ISSN 2405-4577
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 57
Pages 73-76
Keywords Grant writing; ESPEN LLL
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Delzenne, N., Deutz, N. E., Lobo, D. N., & Grimble, G. (2023). Presentation and Publication Skills: How to develop a protocol and write a grant. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 57, 73-76, which has been published in final form at


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