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Precision Denavit–Hartenberg Parameter Calibration for Industrial Robots Using a Laser Tracker System and Intelligent Optimization Approaches

Khanesar, Mojtaba A.; Yan, Minrui; Isa, Mohammed; Piano, Samanta; Branson, David T.

Precision Denavit–Hartenberg Parameter Calibration for Industrial Robots Using a Laser Tracker System and Intelligent Optimization Approaches Thumbnail


Minrui Yan


Precision object handling and manipulation require the accurate positioning of industrial robots. A common practice for performing end effector positioning is to read joint angles and use industrial robot forward kinematics (FKs). However, industrial robot FKs rely on the robot Denavit–Hartenberg (DH) parameter values, which include uncertainties. Sources of uncertainty associated with industrial robot FKs include mechanical wear, manufacturing and assembly tolerances, and robot calibration errors. It is therefore necessary to increase the accuracy of DH parameter values to reduce the impact of uncertainties on industrial robot FKs. In this paper, we use differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, an artificial bee colony, and a gravitational search algorithm to calibrate industrial robot DH parameters. A laser tracker system, Leica AT960-MR, is utilized to register accurate positional measurements. The nominal accuracy of this non-contact metrology equipment is less than 3 μm/m. Metaheuristic optimization approaches such as differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, an artificial bee colony and a gravitational search algorithm are used as optimization methods to perform the calibration using laser tracker position data. It is observed that, using the proposed approach with an artificial bee colony optimization algorithm, the accuracy of industrial robot FKs in terms of mean absolute errors of static and near-static motion over all three dimensions for the test data decreases from its measured value of 75.4 μm to 60.1 μm (a 20.3% improvement).


Khanesar, M. A., Yan, M., Isa, M., Piano, S., & Branson, D. T. (2023). Precision Denavit–Hartenberg Parameter Calibration for Industrial Robots Using a Laser Tracker System and Intelligent Optimization Approaches. Sensors, 23(12), Article 5368.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 30, 2023
Online Publication Date Jun 6, 2023
Publication Date 2023-06
Deposit Date Jun 5, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jun 13, 2023
Journal Sensors
Electronic ISSN 1424-8220
Publisher MDPI
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 23
Issue 12
Article Number 5368
Keywords Positional accuracy; industrial robots; collaborative robots; Denavit— Hartenberg parameter calibration; forward kinematic calibration; laser tracker system; artificial intelligence for optimization
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