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Immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants after two and three doses of vaccine in B-cell malignancies: UK PROSECO study

Lim, Sean H.; Stuart, Beth; Joseph-Pietras, Debora; Johnson, Marina; Campbell, Nicola; Kelly, Adam; Jeffrey, Danielle; Turaj, Anna H.; Rolfvondenbaumen, Kate; Galloway, Celine; Wynn, Thomas; Coleman, Adam R.; Ward, Benjamin; Long, Karen; Coleman, Helen; Mundy, Carina; Bates, Andrew T.; Ayres, Diana; Lown, Robert; Falconer, Janlyn; Brake, Oliver; Batchelor, James; Willimott, Victoria; Bowzyk Al-Naeeb, Anna; Robinson, Lisa; O’Callaghan, Ann; Collins, Graham P.; Menne, Tobias; Faust, Saul N.; Fox, Christopher P.; Ahearne, Matthew; Johnson, Peter W.M.; Davies, Andrew J.; Goldblatt, David

Immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants after two and three doses of vaccine in B-cell malignancies: UK PROSECO study Thumbnail


Sean H. Lim

Beth Stuart

Debora Joseph-Pietras

Marina Johnson

Nicola Campbell

Adam Kelly

Danielle Jeffrey

Anna H. Turaj

Kate Rolfvondenbaumen

Celine Galloway

Thomas Wynn

Adam R. Coleman

Benjamin Ward

Karen Long

Helen Coleman

Carina Mundy

Andrew T. Bates

Diana Ayres

Robert Lown

Janlyn Falconer

Oliver Brake

James Batchelor

Victoria Willimott

Anna Bowzyk Al-Naeeb

Lisa Robinson

Ann O’Callaghan

Graham P. Collins

Tobias Menne

Saul N. Faust

Matthew Ahearne

Peter W.M. Johnson

Andrew J. Davies

David Goldblatt


Patients with hematological malignancies are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes due to compromised immune responses, but the insights of these studies have been compromised due to intrinsic limitations in study design. Here we present the PROSECO prospective observational study (NCT04858568) on 457 patients with lymphoma that received two or three COVID-19 vaccine doses. We show undetectable humoral responses following two vaccine doses in 52% of patients undergoing active anticancer treatment. Moreover, 60% of patients on anti-CD20 therapy had undetectable antibodies following full vaccination within 12 months of receiving their anticancer therapy. However, 70% of individuals with indolent B-cell lymphoma displayed improved antibody responses following booster vaccination. Notably, 63% of all patients displayed antigen-specific T-cell responses, which increased after a third dose irrespective of their cancer treatment status. Our results emphasize the urgency of careful monitoring of COVID-19-specific immune responses to guide vaccination schemes in these vulnerable populations.


Lim, S. H., Stuart, B., Joseph-Pietras, D., Johnson, M., Campbell, N., Kelly, A., …Goldblatt, D. (2022). Immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants after two and three doses of vaccine in B-cell malignancies: UK PROSECO study. Nature Cancer, 3(5), 552-564.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 10, 2022
Online Publication Date Mar 24, 2022
Publication Date May 1, 2022
Deposit Date Jan 11, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jan 11, 2023
Journal Nature Cancer
Electronic ISSN 2662-1347
Publisher Nature Research
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 3
Issue 5
Pages 552-564
Keywords Cancer Research; Oncology
Public URL
Publisher URL


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